Real Housewives of New York City (RHONY) star Leah McSweeney has been dealing with substance abuse for a very long time. She joined the Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meeting in New York City and that's where she met Julia Fox dealing with similar issues.
Leah McSweeney was Julia Fox’s sponsor and helped her through tough times. Even after their AA tenure ended, the two have remained friends.
Leah McSweeney and Julia Fox share a tight friendship
RHONY reality star Leah McSweeney was an AA sponsor for Julia Fox. Since then, the two have attended AA meetings in New York City and have been close friends.
A sponsor is not a therapist but a confidant who helps one throughout the therapy. A sponsor in Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is simply a mentor or a guide who has been in the program for at least a year, has been recovering, worked through all 12-sobriety steps, and no longer drinks or uses any drugs.
Sponsors help members by answering their questions, helping them with sobriety steps and offering accountability.
Speaking about their AA meeting, the author of the new book Chaos Theory, McSweeney, said on Monday’s occurrence of The Morning Toast:
“I was her sponsor successful AA years ago, and we conscionable stayed friends.”
McSweeney and Fox have been friends for almost a decade. Speaking about their sobriety journey on Uncut Gems star’s Forbidden Fruits podcast, Fox said that they both were “sick and suffering.”
McSweeney said that she “really was in no shape to help anybody,” but Fox reassured her that she was of great help during Fox's troubled time.
Speaking about the help in November 2021 podcast, Fox said:
“You told me something that I still think all the time: ‘Tire the body and the mind will follow.’” If I’m feeling depressed or stressed, I’m just like, ‘Let’s get busy.’ I’ll workout and whatever, and I always think about that.”
During the podcast, McSweeney also revealed that she was sober for almost 10 years but started drinking again when she found out that she would join the reality drama as a new cast member.
However, due to "editing," it looked like the star had gotten back to her old habits on the show. She revealed that she started drinking a few months prior to joining the cast in 2019.
After the show concluded, the star decided to quit drinking for good and is now approaching her two-year sobriety mark.
Fox has struggled with heroin and opiate addiction, suffering from an overdose at 17. Both reality stars are getting back to a sober life and helping each other move on to greener pastures.