The Jewel Thief, a documentary directed by Landon Van Soest, is set to release on Hulu on Thursday, July 13, 2023. The feature presents the extraordinary firsthand narrative of Gerald Blanchard, a remarkable criminal mastermind known for his ingenuity, strategic thinking, and impressive accomplishments.
“The unbelievable first-hand account of Gerald Blanchard, one of the most creative, calculating and accomplished criminal masterminds in modern history. Two unlikely Winnipeg detectives track Blanchard across the globe as he perpetrates a series of increasingly elaborate heists in a quest for fame and notoriety through a life of crime," the synopsis of The Jewel Thief reads.
Landon Van Soest is a renowned director known for his compelling storytelling and insightful documentaries. Some of his notable works include Good Fortune, a film exploring the impact of foreign aid in Kenya, and For Ahkeem, a powerful documentary following the journey of a young African-American girl in St. Louis.
The Jewel Thief trailer offers a glimpse into the life of Gerald Blanchard
The trailer for the documentary feature presents a glimpse into the world of Gerald Blanchard, showcasing audacious heists carried out in diverse global settings. The carefully crafted scenes offer a window into Blanchard's calculated planning, showcasing the high-stakes nature of his robberies and the relentless pursuit by the tenacious Winnipeg detectives.
Expert interviews and Blanchard's own testimonies enrich the narrative, shedding light on his criminal ingenuity and the far-reaching consequences of his actions. Through a combination of thrilling visuals and insightful commentary, the trailer aims to captivate audiences, building anticipation for the forthcoming documentary.
In the trailer, Blanchard expresses the inherent desire for excitement and the inability to resist it, stating,
"I could have stopped but you always need that thrill."
By providing a tantalizing taste of the enthralling story that lies ahead, the trailer invites viewers to delve deeper into the intriguing world of one of modern history's most fascinating figures, Gerald Blanchard.
Everything we know so far about The Jewel Thief
Gerald Daniel Blanchard, born in Winnipeg around 1972, is a Canadian criminal noted for stealing the Star of Empress Sisi from the Schönbrunn Palace in Vienna, Austria. It is a diamond-and-pearl hair ornament worn by Elisabeth of Bavaria, also known as Sisi. Blanchard's actions demonstrated his audacity and cunning in the world of criminal activity.
The Jewel Thief is a gripping documentary that will take viewers on a thrilling journey through the life of Gerald Blanchard. Audiences will witness Blanchard meticulously planning and executing audacious robberies, gaining insight into his criminal prowess and the psychology driving his choices. Through interviews, reenactments, and real-life footage, viewers will develop an intimate understanding of Blanchard's captivating criminal escapades.
The feature is supported by executive producers Rick Brookwell and Ben Schwartz, along with producers Josh Braun, Ben Braun, Dan Braun, and Landon Van Soest. They form a dedicated team of professionals committed to delivering a comprehensive portrayal of Blanchard's life and criminal exploits.
Quite remarkably, the phrase "Catch me if you can" holds a literal meaning in the context of Blanchard's actions. It represents his confidence, challenging law enforcement to apprehend him while he skillfully evades their efforts. This phrase intensifies the intrigue and excitement of the story, highlighting Blanchard's determination to engage in a thrilling cat-and-mouse game with the authorities.
The Jewel Thief premiers on Thursday, July 13, 2023, exclusively on Hulu.