Season 20 of American Idol, which premiered recently in February, has successfully gripped the attention of its viewers with stunning performances and surprising elimination rounds. The show is set to air its 16th episode on Sunday, May 1 at 8:00 p.m. ET/PT. The show now has its Top 10 singers and with every episode, it is getting closer to finding America’s next singing idol.
American Idol season 20 features talented singers from different parts of the country who auditioned in Nashville, Tennessee, Austin, Texas, and Los Angeles, California. These contestants will perform against each other in front of a panel of esteemed judges. The best singer will win the title and grand prize money.
The show is judged by country superstar Luke Bryan, pop princess Katy Perry, and Oscar-winning singer/songwriter Lionel Richie and hosted by Ryan Seacrest.
What to expect from the upcoming episode of American Idol season 20?
After last week’s Judge’s Song Contest round, the show has its TOP 10 contestants. In episode 16, these contestants will perform in the iconic Disney Night special episode of the show.
A week before the upcoming round, the contestants visited Disneyland to observe the charm of the theme. Viewers will get to see the remaining contestants decked up as Disney characters and sing some of the most celebrated Disney songs ever. Take a look at the songs for the upcoming episode:
Carried me with you
Poor unfortunate souls
Go the distance
I see the light
Remember me
Circle of life
How far I’ll go
When she loved me
You’ll be in my heart
You’ve got a friend in me
Moreover, there will also be a guest performance by singer Adasaa, who Rhenzy Feliz will accompany. The duo will sing We don’t talk about Bruno.
All the performances will be judged by award-winning actor and singer Derek Hough, who will mentor from Disneyland Resort in California. Also, as the current season is celebrating its amazing 20 years, it will welcome back its alum singers Paula Abdul and Randy Jackson.
The official description of episode 16 reads:
The iconic Disney Night tradition continues as “American Idol” returns for a magical night of pixie dust-powered performances and surprise guests live on the “Idol” stage. will mentor the Top 10 contestants from the Disneyland Resort in California as they prepare to perform beloved Disney tunes in hopes of securing America’s vote.
As the competition is eventually moving towards its finale, the singers in the upcoming episode will sing to gain the vote of the country.
Viewers can watch episode 16 of American Idol season 20 on Sunday, May 1 at 8:00 p.m. ET/PT on ABC.