Black Gold, a documentary by Darren Aronofsky, will be released on Paramount+ later this month, following a worldwide theatrical release on May 11. As per the press announcement, the three-part documentary, directed by Oscar nominee Zach Heinzerling and Emmy-winning Gabrielle Schonder, tells the story of the century's biggest cover-up.
Jointly produced by Aronofsky's Protozoa production firm and TIME Studios, the docuseries will premiere on May 17, 2022, at 3:00 a.m. ET/ 12:00 a.m. PT on Paramount+. Regarding the project, Aronofsky said,
“Black Gold is the truly epic story of a scientific discovery that rocked the world and a conspiracy to cover it up that threatens our existence. I am thrilled to be working with TIME Studios, Paramount+ and Iconic to bring it to theaters and screens around the world.”
Let's explore the release date, plot, and other details of the Paramount+ docuseries.
When will Black Gold premiere on Paramount+?
The thrilling docuseries by Darren Aronofsky will be available to stream exclusively on Paramount+ from 3:00 a.m. ET/ 12:00 a.m. PT, May 17, 2022.
What to expect from the Paramount+ docuseries?
The official synopsis provided by Paramount+ for Black Gold claims to reveal the story of:
"..The boss atop a trillion-dollar industry who discovered a shocking truth 40 years ago, hid the evidence by creating a black ops conspiracy, and would keep the money flowing as the world burned."
The three-part documentary series will narrate the events surrounding the century's biggest cover-up. It will expose the head of a trillion-dollar enterprise who learned a horrifying truth 40 years ago.
Upon being aware of the truth, and the consequences that would follow, he devised a black-ops conspiracy with his team of trusted advisors to hide the evidence that they originally excavated. He decided that he would go to any length to keep the money flowing even while the world burned.
The show will primarily focus on how this group of people, who traded our world for their selfish objectives, is responsible for global warming and the crises stemming from it. Head scientist Lee Raymond can be heard saying in the trailer,
"We're not going to follow what is politically correct."
Based on a decades-long plot to destroy our planet for profit, the most prevalent characters in the series include the CEO, whistleblowers from Exxon's labs, professional climate doubters, spin doctors, a NASA scientist, and finally, a US vice president.
The show's ultimate motto is to not let these people escape accountability for their actions using their political powers, monetary privileges, or societal positions.
Don't forget to catch Black Gold, exclusively on Paramount+ this Tuesday, May 17, 2022, at 3:00 a.m. ET/ 12:00 a.m. PT.