Netflix's new thriller series, Delete, is all set to premiere on the streaming platform on Wednesday, June 28, 2023, at 3 am ET (tentative time). The show centers around a couple involved in an extramarital affair, who find a phone that can help erase other people, following which, they come up with a crooked plan.
The series features Ice-Natara Nopparatayapon in one of the key roles, along with various others playing significant supporting characters. It is helmed by Oh-Parkpoom Wongpoom, who's known for his work on Shutter, Alone, 4bia, and many more.
Netflix's Delete trailer showcases a couple planning to erase people from their lives
Netflix released the trailer for the series on June 8, 2023, offering a peek into the numerous crucial events set to unfold in the new series. The trailer opens with a unsettling scene, wherein a woman asks another woman to click her photo. When she does, the woman being photographed mysteriously disappears.
The basic premise of the series is established, but the trailer does not give away any major spoilers that could potentially ruin the viewing experience for fans. Overall, the trailer maintains a distinctly creepy tone that fans of atmospheric movies would certainly enjoy. Here's a short description of the show, as per Netflix:
''Ever secretly wished you could delete someone from your life? In the ominous world of DELETE, this power is entirely possible, thanks to a mysterious device that has the ability to erase a person from existence. Those who come into contact with this dangerous power soon realise that it draws out their worst impulses.''
Based on the official trailer and description, viewers can look forward to a fascinating character-driven drama that explores a number of complex themes like infidelity and marriage, among other things. Regarding the thematic aspect of the series, director Parkpoom Wongpoom said (obtained via Netflix),
''DELETE’s exciting and extraordinary plot revolves around the darker sides of human nature, especially when complicated relationships come into the picture. The story examines a thought-provoking question: if we could actually make anyone vanish, would we do it?''
He further mentioned,
''I had the chance to explore a lot of new approaches and experiences throughout the making of DELETE, which will cross the lines between genres like action and drama, and even include some special-effect spectacles.''
A quick look at Delete cast
The thriller series stars Ice-Natara Nopparatayapon in one of the key roles. His character is that of a heir from a rich family. Apart from that, more details pertaining to his role are currently being kept under wraps. His other notable acting credits include One for the Road, Gasohug.. Rak Tem Thang, Voice, and Diary of Tootsies, to name a few.
Starring alongside him in another lead role is actor Nat Kitcharit, who plays the character of a popular writer. More details about his character are yet to be revealed. Kitcharit has previously starred in Hurts Like Hell, Happy Ending, and Forbidden, among many more. Other important cast members include Fah-Sarika Sartsilpsupa, Chutimon Chuengcharoensukying, and many more.
Don't forget to catch Delete on Netflix on Wednesday, June 28, 2023.