Disney's new animated series, titled Hailey's On It!, is all set to premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD on Thursday, June 8, 2023, at 8 pm ET, as per CinemaBlend. The show focuses on the titular character, a teenager who fears taking risks in her life.
However, she is forced to confront some of her greatest fears in order to complete a massive challenge, which is to save the world from being destroyed. The show stars Auliʻi Cravalho, who voices the lead character, and many others who play key supporting roles. It is helmed by Devin Bunje and Nick Stanton.
Disney's Hailey's On It trailer offers a peek into the protagonist's epic adventure to save the world
Disney dropped the official trailer for Hailey's On It on April 28, 2023, and it offers a glimpse of the numerous funny and dramatic moments set to unfold in the new animated adventure series.
The trailer briefly depicts protagonist Hailey Banks' life and her personality. She's worried about trying new things and taking risks. She's then asked by a scientist to complete a list of things that will prevent the world from being destroyed.
Overall, the trailer maintains an entertaining and funny tone that fans of animated comedy series will certainly enjoy. Along with the trailer, Disney Channel also put out the official synopsis of the show on their YouTube channel, which reads:
''Animated comedy-adventure "Hailey's On It!" follows Hailey, a risk-averse but resourceful teenager on a mission to complete every item on her long list of challenging — and sometimes impractical — tasks in order to save the world.''
The synopsis continues:
''Whether she's tackling every ride at the county fair, performing in a musical, reuniting a singing duo or facing her ever-growing and complicated feelings toward her best friend Scott, Hailey is always encountering new challenges ― and more opportunities to conquer her fears.''
Based on the official trailer and description, viewers can expect a fascinating series that explores many intriguing themes like adventure, facing one's biggest fears, love, friendship, and many more. Disney is expected to drop the first two episodes on the same day on June 8, 2023, following which it'll adopt the usual weekly-release format, with a new episode being released every week.
In brief, about Hailey's On It! plot and cast
Hailey's On It! stars Auliʻi Cravalho, who lends her voice to protagonist Hailey Banks' character. Hailey is a teenager who has many insecurities and often gets very anxious and panicky. She doesn't like taking risks, but is forced to face some of her greatest fears when a scientist comes up with a task for her.
She also has romantic feelings towards her friend Scott. Cravalho sounds impressive in the series' trailer, perfectly capturing her character's innocence, fears, and concerns.
Viewers can expect her to deliver a memorable performance in the show. Her other acting credits include All Together Now, Rise, and Crush, among many more. Other key voice-cast members include actors like Manny Jacinto, Gary Anthony Williams, Cooper Andrews, and many more.
Don't forget to catch the first two episodes of Hailey's On It! on Disney Channel on Thursday, June 8, 2023.