Peacock has finally unveiled the new trailer for In The Know, its latest adult animation series combining stop-motion animation and live-action interviews. Co-created by Zach Woods, Mike Judge, and Brandon Gardner, the public radio parody, using stop-motion puppets, chronicles the making of NPR’s fictional “third most popular host” Lauren Caspian’s radio program.
The show follows him as he conducts in-depth interviews with guests, including Kaia Gerber, Ken Burns, Finn Wolfhard, Norah Jones, Mike Tyson, Hugh Laurie, Jorge Masvisdal, and more.
When will In The Know premiere and how to watch?
The Peacock animated series is premiering with the first six episodes of its first season on January 25, 2024. The time of release according to different time zones is as follows,
- 5:00 A.M. – Eastern Time (ET)
- 2:00 A.M. – Pacific Time (PT)
- 10:00 A.M. – British Summer Time (BST)
- 11:00 A.M. – Central European Summer Time (CEST)
The stop-motion animation can be watched on Peacock with a subscription plan. The ad-supported subscription plan costs $5.99 a month and $59.99 a year, while the ad-free subscription comes at $11.99 monthly and $119.99 a year.
The trailer and official synopsis explored
The official synopsis of In the Know Season 1, according to Peacock, reads as follows:
“Lauren Caspian is public radio’s third most popular host. He’s a well-meaning, hypocritical nimrod, just like you and me. He’s also a stop motion puppet. Each episode follows the making of an episode of Lauren’s show In the Know, in which Lauren conducts in-depth interviews with real world human guests. Lauren collaborates with a diverse crew of NPR staff. They are also puppets and nimrods.”
Watch the trailer here.
The streaming platform released the first trailer for In the Know on January 4, 2024, introducing us to the unique setting and concept of the series. The show mostly happens from the perspective of Lauren Caspian, exploring his love for his job as a broadcast radio host, and the travails that the job brings, including dealing with the occasional trolls online. The trailer gives a glimpse at how Caspian juggles internal strife with his staff while interviewing several prominent guests, who, unlike him, are real live-action people.
Cast list explored
In The Know cast list is led by Zach Woods who will be voicing the title character of Lauren Caspian. He will be joined by Mike Judge in a supporting role as Sandy, J. Smith-Cameron as Barb, Charlie Bushnell as Chase, Caitlin Reilly as Fabian, and Carl Tart as Carl. They are all characters who are part of Caspian's crew.
The list of interviewees for Season 1 is as follows:
- Boxer and actor Mike Tyson
- Pop music duo Tegan Rain Quin and Sara Keisten Quin
- Queer Eye subject Jonathan Van Ness
- Stranger Things star Finn Wolfhard
- Model and Bottoms star Kaia Gerber
- House star Hugh Laurie
- Documentary filmmaker Ken Burns
- MMA fighter Jorge Masvidal
- Singer and songwriter Norah Jones
- Comedian and Nailed it host Nicole Byer
- Author and professor Roxane Gay
With music by Eldad Guetta, cinematography by Michel Amado Carpio, editing by Hamilton Barrett and Kelly Lyon, production design by Robert DeSue, and art direction by Andy Berry and Samantha Levy, In The Know is coming soon on Peacock.