Hulu's new animated series, titled Koala Man, is set to hit the streaming platform on Monday, January 9, 2023, at 12.01 am ET, as per CinemaBlend. The series centers on a middle-aged man who daringly takes on the evil that is looking to destroy his beloved town, and the episodes focus on the numerous adventures he embarks on in his heroic journey.
The titular character is voiced by Michael Cusack, who has also served as the creator and animator of the show. Sarah Snook, Hugh Jackman, and Demi Lardner are also part of the voice cast.
Koala Man on Hulu: Trailer, plot, what to expect, and more details explored
On January 3, 2023, Hulu dropped the official trailer for the series, offering a glimpse of Koala Man's bizarrely chaotic world. The opening scene from the trailer depicts the titular character's goofiness. In a voiceover, he says,
''They call me Koala Man. I've made up my life's mission to clean up our streets, help the innocent, and snuff out evil.''
The trailer briefly highlights Kevin's numerous hilarious adventures and establishes a trippy tone that fans of BoJack Horseman and Rick and Morty would certainly love. Overall, the trailer does not give away any spoilers, although it relays some interesting snippets from the show that is sure to get viewers hooked, thanks to the numerous funny scenes and interesting storyline.
The official synopsis of the show, according to Hulu Press, reads:
''Koala Man follows middle-aged dad Kevin and his titular not-so-secret identity, whose only superpower is a burning passion for following rules and snuffing out petty crime in the town of Dapto. Though it may seem like any other Australian suburb, forces of evil both cosmic and man-made lie in wait to pounce on unsuspecting Daptonians.''
The synopsis further states,
''On a quest to clean up his hometown, and often roping his furstrated family into his adventures, Koala Man stands at the ready. He'll do whatever it takes to defeat villainous masterminds, supernatural horrors, or worse: j*rks who don't take their rubbish bins down on the proper days.''
Based on the trailer and synopsis, viewers can look forward to a goofy, entertaining animated series that promises a perfect weekend binge-watching session.
The series reportedly features a total of eight episodes, all of which are expected to drop on Hulu on the same day, on January 9, 2023.
A quick look at Koala Man voice cast
Michael Cusack voices the titular character of the series. Cusack's voice-acting is impressive in the series' trailer, as his voice perfectly captures the soul of the adorably goofy protagonist of the show. Cusack reportedly also voices the characters of Liam McKay, Darren, and Damo. Cusack, who's also the creator of the series, has previously helmed YOLO: Crystal Fantasy and Smiling Friends.
Apart from Cusack, the voice cast of the upcoming animated series also stars Sarah Snook as Vicky McKay and Demi Lardner as Alison McKay. Snook is a noted Australian actress who's known for her performances in HBO's acclaimed drama series, Succession, Steve Jobs, and Not Suitable For Children, to name a few. Actor Hugh Jackman voices the character of Big Greg.
You can watch Koala Man on Hulu on Monday, January 9, 2023.