Disney+'s new Mexican comedy series, L-Pop, is expected to drop on the streaming platform on Wednesday, September 27, 2023, at 3 am ET (tentative time). The show focuses on a young girl who dreams of becoming a K-pop star. However, she needs to make a crucial decision as she's forced to choose between following her heart and opting for a career that her parents want.
The series features Andrea de Alba in the lead role, along with many others portraying major supporting characters. The show is helmed by noted director Andrés Lizarazo, who's known for El Rey, Vicente Fernández, TBT Sin Límites, and Opa Popa Dupa.
L-Pop on Disney+: Release timings for different regions
L-Pop is expected to be released on Disney+ as per its standard release time, which is 3 am ET/12 am PT. But viewers must be aware of the fact that the timings will change as per the various regions and their respective time zones.
Check out a list of the various release timings for L-Pop according to several different time zones:
- Mexico: 2 am CDT on September 27, 2023
- South Korea: 4 pm KST on September 27, 2023
- Canada: 7 am EST on September 27, 2023
- United Kingdom: 3 am BST on September 27, 2023
- Australia: 5 pm AEST on September 27, 2023
- Japan: 4 pm JST on September 27, 2023
- India: 12.30 pm IST on September 27, 2023
What to expect from L-Pop? Plot, trailer, and more details revealed
Disney+ put out the official trailer for L-Pop on September 2, 2023, and it offers a glimpse of the numerous dramatic events set to unfold in the new series. The trailer sets the tone for the show and establishes the basic premise: protagonist Andrea wants to be a K-Pop star but her passion often conflicts with her parents' dreams.
Overall, the trailer maintains a lighthearted and funny tone that fans of musical and coming-of-age dramas would certainly enjoy. A short description of the show, as per Dubbed UK's YouTube channel, reads:
''K-pop fan Andrea forms her own cover dance group after being kicked out of her previous group. She then must decide between becoming a dentist or following her true dream: to prepare to be a professional singer in the same place that all her idols did: Korea. Her sister Pau keeps an eye on her while directing a documentary about her adventures.''
The show consists of a total of six episodes that reportedly run for 30 minutes each. Details regarding the release schedule are not yet out.
The cast features the highly talented Andrea de Alba, who portrays the role of the protagonist. Andrea is a charming young girl who's known for her lively and enthusiastic nature.
She dreams of becoming a K-Pop icon, but a number of challenges lie ahead as her parents want her to purse a different career whilst she also needs to focus on studies and her part-time job at a coffee shop.
It'll be interesting to see how her journey pans out. The remaining cast members include Arantza Ruiz, Alberto Casanova, and many others.
Don't forget to catch L-Pop on Disney+ on Wednesday, September 27, 2023.