NBC's successful American police procedural and legal drama TV series Law & Order premiered on September 13, 1990. The show became highly successful after just a few episodes. Ever since, the show has been renewed for a new season almost every following year and is currently in its twenty-first season.
It's almost time for the Season 21 finale, which premiered in February 2022. The finale will air on NBC on Thursday, May 19, at 8:00 PM ET.
The engrossing storyline of Law & Order is one of the primary reasons why the series has been able to achieve such widespread fame. Fans are awaiting the finale of Season 21 with great eagerness and anticipation because they expect the series to deliver a good story.
There will be significant developments in the iconic legal drama's upcoming episode. Undoubtedly, the season will end with a lot of drama, featuring the most significant case in recent history.
Law & Order Sesson 21 finale: Details explored ahead of the finale premiere
The Season 21 finale of the revived Law & Order, titled Black and Blue, is set to air on May 19 at 8:00 PM ET. Mariska Hargitay will reprise her role as Olivia Benson from Law & Order: Special Victims Unit. In an interview with TV Line, showrunner Rick Eid confirmed it, while also revealing that Carey Lowell's Jamie Ross will make an appearance.
Eid hint at the renewal of the show for Season 22, but it has not been officially renewed yet. Eid talked to TVLine about further guest appearances from notable alumni:
"I’m sure next year you’ll see some. I’m excited about next season. We haven’t officially been picked up, but I’m hopeful that we will be...I think next year, we’ll get an opportunity to dig even deeper into the character stuff, which really excites me."
Although the chances are bleak, the introduction of Mariska Hargitay's Olivia Benson hints that the audience will see appearances from some of the other characters in this narrative. The fact that Mariska has been working in the entertainment industry for more than twenty years explains why she is now considered the franchise's face.
What to expect?
Since the issue in the upcoming episode is near and dear to Cosgrove's heart, the case could benefit from having a senior officer on board with a special set of skills like Benson's. This episode will not only have a probable crossover with SVU, but it will also feature a murder that involves an off-duty NYPD cop that will have quite a few impactful repercussions.
The official synopsis of Law & Order Season 21 finale states:
"The murder of an off-duty NYPD detective threatens to tear the city apart; Cosgrove mourns the loss of a friend and asks Capt. Benson for help solving the case; McCoy and Price disagree on how to prosecute the culprit."
NBC will air the Season 21 finale of the classic legal drama on May 19.