Hulu's new rom-com series, Maggie, is set to air on the platform on July 6, 2022. The show revolves around a young woman with psychic abilities who possesses the power to see the future of her parents, friends, and herself. The series stars Rebecca Rittenhouse in the lead role and numerous others in pivotal supporting roles.
Read further ahead to find out the release time of the show on Hulu, the plot, cast, and other essential details about the show.
Maggie release time on Hulu, plot, what to expect, and more details: All episodes to be released on the same day
Maggie season 1 episode 1 will premiere on Hulu on July 6, 2022, at 12.01 AM ET. All 13 episodes will also be released on the same day on the platform. The official synopsis of the show on Hulu reads:
''Dating is hard enough -- it's even harder when you also happen to be a psychic. Maggie's gift allows her to see into the future of her friends, parents, clients, and random people on the street. But when she begins to see glimpses of her own destiny after meeting an unexpected stranger, her romantic life suddenly gets a lot more complicated. Can you let yourself fall in love when you think you know how it ends? She probably should have seen this coming...''
On June 15, 2022, Hulu dropped the show's official trailer, showcasing several hilarious moments involving the lead character. Overall, the trailer has a fun, lighthearted feel. The cast also looks impressive, with most actors delivering hilarious punchlines in many scenes.
Viewers can expect a charming, character-driven romantic comedy that'll surely entertain. Fans of acclaimed comedies like Fleabag and Lovesick should check this one out.
Cast of Maggie
The show features Rebecca Rittenhouse in the titular role. Maggie is a complex, fascinating character who has psychic abilities, using which she gets a glimpse of the future of people around her, including her friends, family, and strangers. She's also a woman who's struggling to find love. After she begins to see her future, her life turns infinitely more complicated.
Rebecca looks impressive in the trailer, showcasing her character's vulnerabilities and unique sense of humor. In the trailer, she tells numerous people what their future would look like, while she frequently confides in her psychic about her personal problems. Rebecca has starred in various TV shows, including The Mindy Project, Blood & Oil, and many more.
The show also stars David Del Rio in the role of Ben. Rio has appeared in several films and shows over the years, including Pitch Perfect, Spare Parts, The Troop, Resident Advisors, and many more.
Apart from the aforementioned actors, the film also stars several others in pivotal roles, including:
- Angelique Cabral
- Leonard Nam
- Kerri Kenney
- Chris Elliott
- Nichole Sakura
The series is helmed by Justin Adler and Maggie Mull, who also serves as the show's executive producers, along with Evan Hayes and Jeff Morton. Adler and Mull are best known for their work on CBS' popular sitcom, Life in Pieces.
You can watch Maggie on Hulu on July 6, 2022.