NBC's revival of the iconic 80s sitcom, titled Night Court, is all set to premiere on the channel on Tuesday, January 17, 2023, at 8 pm ET, as per NBC. The series centers around the daughter of the late Harry Stone, named Abby Stone, who's now replaced her father at the Manhattan Municipal Court.
Melissa Rauch is the lead in the show, while numerous other people play important supporting parts. According to reports, Raunch also works as an executive producer. Dan Rubin was the series' author.
Night Court on NBC: Plot, trailer, what to expect, and more details explored
NBC dropped the official trailer for Night Court on January 11, 2023, and it offers a peek into the numerous hilarious events set to unfold in the new show. Melissa Raunch dominated the trailer with her unique sense of humor that set the tone for the show.
The teaser quickly gives viewers a look of the many main characters but with few significant story points presented. The whole tone is playful and quirky, and it promises to be a fun experience. Here's a brief description of the series, according to NBC:
''Rather than a reboot of the original, the new Night Court will be a continuation of the original story, this time starring Judge Harry Stone's daughter, Abby Stone (Melissa Rauch), taking the reins as Judge in the courtroom.''
The synopsis further reads,
''Episodes will follow a similar formula to the original Night Court as Abby and her courtroom staff tackle the day's most complicated and kooky cases that make their way to the night shift.''
Based on the trailer and synopsis, viewers can look forward to a hilarious series that does complete justice to its original show that still enjoys a massive fan following from around the world.
The late Harry Anderson had a major part in the original series, and Gail Strickland and several other actors played significant supporting roles. The show's incisive writing, talented acting, and comedy, among other things, helped it gain enormous popularity and win overwhelmingly good reviews from both viewers and reviewers.
A quick look at Night Court cast and crew
Melissa Raunch dons the lead role of Judge Abby Stone, the daughter of Harold T. Stone, in the new NBC revival series. Stone looked hilarious in the series' trailer, brilliantly capturing her character's quirkiness and peculiar sense of humor with astonishing ease. Viewers can look forward to a thoroughly entertaining performance from the actress.
Apart from Night Court, Raunch has appeared in quite a few popular films and shows over the years like The Big Bang Theory, True Blood, and Ode to Joy, to name a few.
The rest of the supporting cast members include John Larroquette, India de Beaufort, and many more. Dan Rubin serves as the writer for the show. Rubin is a noted TV writer and producer whose credits include Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, Outmatched, and Happy Endings, to name a few.
You can watch the revival show of Night Court on NBC on Tuesday, January 17, 2023. Following its premiere, you can stream the episodes on Peacock.