Netflix is set to release a posthumous stand-up special from legendary comedian Norm Macdonald, titled Nothing Special, on May 30, 2022. The SNL star died of leukemia in September last year at 61. The hour-long special, shot in 2020 during the COVID lockdown, was filmed entirely in the comedian's home. The show will prove to be a tribute to the comedian, who has a large fanbase.
The actor was diagnosed with cancer in 2012 but had not revealed his diagnosis to the public. Following his death, several other comedians and actors paid tribute to him, most notably Dave Chappelle, who dedicated his special The Closer to the former SNL member.
Read further ahead to know the show's release time and more details.
Norm Macdonald: Nothing Special release time and other details explored
Norm Macdonald: Nothing Special will premiere on Netflix on May 30, 2022, at 12.00 AM PT. Fans widely anticipate the posthumous release as they get to see the iconic comedian perform for one last time.
Macdonald was working on a Netflix special back in 2020 when he was hospitalized due to complications from his illness. As per reports, Macdonald wanted to get the special on tape just in case ''things went south.'' The self-taped special was shot in a single take in the comedian's living room.
The special also features clips from numerous other famous comedians and actors, including Adam Sandler, Dave Chappelle, and David Letterman, talking about Macdonald during the recently concluded comedy festival Netflix Is A Joke.
About Norm Macdonald Has a Show on Netflix
In early 2018, Netflix announced the arrival of a 10-episode talk show, titled Norm Macdonald Has a Show, featuring the legendary stand-up. The show premiered on September 14, 2018, and received positive reviews, thanks to Macdonald's comic charisma. The official synopsis for the show on Netflix reads:
''Comedian Norm Macdonald hosts his celebrity friends for casual conversations that range from silly to serious and take many unexpected turns.''
The show features several popular names as guests, including Drew Barrymore, David Letterman, Jane Fonda, and many more.
Norm Macdonald's career
Macdonald is widely known as the anchor of Saturday Night Live's Weekend Update segment in the 90s, where the comedian rose to fame with his charming comic persona. Post SNL, Macdonald starred in Bob Saget's comedy flick Dirty Work, which he also co-wrote with Frank Sebastiano and Fred Wolf. He also appeared in The Norm Show's sitcom, created by Macdonald and Bruce Helford.
Macdonald also did cameos in numerous films, including The Animal, Funny People, Grow Ups, and many more. His most notable television appearances came in A Minute With Stan Hooper and Girlboss.
He is noted for his deadpan humor and poetic style, which has garnered widespread acclaim from critics. Over the years, several contemporary comedians have rated him as one of the greatest stand-up comedians of all time.
You can watch Norm Macdonald: Nothing Special on May 30, 2022, at 12.00 AM PT.