P-Valley's Season 2 premiered on Starz after a two-year long break since its initial debut in 2020. Episode 1 aired on June 3, 2022, and the remaining episodes have been coming every subsequent Sunday. However, episode 7 of Season 2 sadly didn't air as per schedule since the show had a planned delay in airing.
The stripper drama takes viewers to the fictional town of Chucalissa in Mississippi and covers the stories of Nicco Annan's Uncle Clifford, the proprietor of The Pynk, and the women who work for her. With a thorough dig into their backstories and origins, Season 2 focuses on Uncle Clifford and her girls' lives away from the club.
Set up shortly after the pandemic, the on-going season shows everyone's drastically changing prospects. Hailey has just acquired a controlling interest in The Pynk, much to the dismay of Mercedes and Uncle Clifford. Now she must find a way to keep the business going whilst resisting the urge to liquidate and move-forward.
With episode 7 scheduled to arrive this Sunday, let's explore the possible arcs the story will bring in the upcoming final episodes this season.
P-Valley Season 2 episode 7 will reveal more on Uncle Clifford's backstory
Now that episode 7 of the 10-episode long Season 2 of P-Valley has been confirmed to air this Sunday, July 24, 2022, at 10 pm ET on Starz, fans can expect the show to reveal more on Uncle Clifford's backstory.
In an interview with Digital Spy, Nicco Annan spoke about the secrets being spilled this season:
"So this season – in season 2 – you get to get more into that backstory, to see how this place was a cotton mill, and then it transformed into a juke joint, and then there was a passing of hands between Ernestine (Loretta Devine) and Uncle Clifford’s mother, Beulah, and then from Beulah to Uncle Clifford."
Annan added,
"So there’s a gap shift that happened there, and that’s where we get called in, and you get more of the story and backstory of season 2."
The promo for the episode gives away a little more on what to expect. It shows that Uncle Clifford will confront Autumn (Elarica Johnson) regarding her selling off her inheritance. As the two ponder on what to do about it next, Mercedes (Brandee Evans) is witnessed squaring up to Terrica about her accidental pregnancy.
The official synopsis of episode 7 titled Jackson states:
"Uncle Clifford wrestles with her future while opening the door to the past. Meanwhile, Mercedes struggles with the complexities of motherhood."
P-Valley's episode 7 will cover a significant story arc following Lil Murda and Uncle Clifford
Lil Murda will enter this forthcoming episode in a very emotionally-stirred up state. The character had just lost Big Teak in the previous episode, and he is now juggling his loss with a variety of other issues, including wanting Clifford's forgiveness. Although he wants it, it does not guarantee that he will have it.
In another teaser, Murda can be seen trying to put in efforts to prove to Clifford that he is, after all, a decent man. He does so by tending to Ernestine, who is ill. However, at this point, it is safe to believe that there is more to the story than what meets the eye. While Lil Murda's motive is to try to win Uncle Clifford's favor, one can also say that he enjoys showcasing his sympathetic side.
Episode 7 will bring in quite a few significant plot developments surrounding Terricka, Mercedes, and a myriad of other characters, bringing an entertaining and dramatic end to the weekend this Sunday.
New episodes of P-Valley premiere every Sunday on Starz.