Disney+ is releasing an original film titled Sneakerella, a modern retelling of the classic Cinderella fable, on May 13, 2022, at 3:00 AM ET. Set in New York City, the film will feature a reversal of roles and a quest to achieve even the most distant dreams.
Replacing the traditional glass slippers with high fashion footwear, Sneakerella centers on a youngster named El who wishes to become a successful sneaker designer but hides his talent. Things change after El has a fortunate encounter with Kira King, and he finds the strength to pursue his ambition, powered by his passion and a dash of magic.
Continue reading to learn more about the Disney+ movie.
When will Sneakerella premiere on Disney+?
The film will premiere exclusively on Disney+ this Friday, May 13, 2022, at 3:00 AM ET.
What to expect from Sneakerella?
In this modern Cinderella adaptation, El (played by Chosen Jacobs) is an ambitious sneaker designer based in Queens who works as a stock boy in his late mother's shoe company. He keeps his artistic fervor hidden from his overworked stepfather and two vengeful stepbrothers, who relentlessly sabotage any opportunity that comes his way.
Sparks fly when El meets Kira King (played by Lexi Underwood), the fiercely independent daughter of great basketball player and sneaker billionaire Darius King. Despite belonging to drastically different societal strata, the two bond over their shared love of sneakers.
El finally finds the guts to showcase his talent and follow his dream of becoming a renowned sneaker designer, thanks to a little shove from his closeknit friends and a sprinkle of Fairy Godfather magic. El will now have to dream big and not give up.
Trailer breakdown
In a newly-released trailer by Disney+, El is shown breaking into dance in the streets of New York City with his fellow sneaker-loving friend. El appears to be able to fly at one point and he begins to dance in the air, but the scene suddenly shifts to El playing with shoes on glass exposing that the magical sequence was entirely in his brain.
The song Kick, written by Antonina Armato, Tim James Price, Thomas Armato Sturges, and Adam Schmalholz, and produced by Armato and Price, is included in the sneak peek. Ebony Williams and Emilio Dosal choreographed the dance sequence.
Directed and produced by Elisabeth Allen Rosenbaum, Sneakerella has a celebrated cast that includes Devyn Nekoda, Juan Chioran, Bryan Terrell Clark, Kolton Stewart, Robyn Alomar, Yvonne Senat Jones, and Hayward Leach.
Don't forget to catch the movie exclusively on Disney+, this Friday, May 13, 2022, 3:00 AM ET onwards.