School Tales: The Series, the second Thai feature that Netflix is bringing this year, is a tale of horror. The Netflix original anthology series is an eight-part feature, co-directed by James Thanadol Nuansut, Tum Putipong Saisikaew, Songsak Mongkolthong and Mike Phontharis Chotkijsadarsopon.
From haunted libraries and Soylent Green-style cafeterias, to unsuspecting students and horror lurking in their midst, the anthology has been adopted from a popular comic book series that focuses on horror in school. Read on to know all about the upcoming Netflix feature, School Tales: The Series.
What is School Tales: The Series all about? Watch the trailer here
Every high school has its own drama, which makes it terrifying in itself. But add to that headless demons, ghosts and other evils, and we have School Tales: The Series.
Dense with horror and drama, the series follows the evils that lurk around in the school waiting for the right moment to strike. Will the students escape alive or will they give in to the dark side?
Netflix has also released a short synopsis of the series, which is as follows:
"Eight horrifying comics stories have been adapted into an 8-episode series that will scare everyone off the school ground at night: A girl jumping to her death; a haunted library; canteen food made from human flesh; a headless ghost in the school warehouse; a devil-infested room; a vengeful demon in an abandoned building; and a classroom where only dead students attend class. Prepare to face a new kind of fear. During the day, the school belongs to the students. But at night, it’s a different story."
Watch the trailer for School Tales: The Series here.
The two-minute official trailer, packed with jump scares, blood, and demons, only teases what is to follow in the series. Not only are there monsters, but there appears to be a book involved, which will undoubtedly complicate the story even further.
Starring popular Thai actors Kay Lertsittichai and Mark Siwat Jumlongkul, who might be familiar to viewers from other Netflix original features, School Tales: The Series appears to be a promising horror anthology that is sure to intrigue fans of the horror genre.
When will the anthology air and how to watch it?
Along with the trailer and synopsis, we also have a release date for School Tales: The Series. The eight-episode anthology will premiere on August 10, 2022. Since it is a Netflix original series, it will only be available to stream exclusively on the Netflix.
Since Netflix, unlike other streaming platforms, drops all episodes together, all eight episodes of the series will be coming to the Netflix platform on the scheduled date of release. The list of episodes is as follows:
- Q
- Vengeful Spell
- The Book of Corpses
- The Curse
- Lunch
- A Walk in School
- The Headless Teacher
- Beautiful
Catch this latest Netflix horror coming this August.