The Circle season 5 aired the first four episodes of the show on December 28, 2022. The reality show drops episodes back each week, with four more episodes dropping on January 4, 2023.
The eight episodes that have aired so far have seen multiple wildcard entries, including season 1’s fan favorite Shooby, or Shubham Goel. However, his journey was short-lived, as he was blocked in episode 8, bringing his “newbie revolution” to an end.
The upcoming episodes, 9 to 12, will air on 3.01 am ET, Wednesday, January 11, 2023, on Netflix.
Recapping The Circle season 5 ahead of the upcoming episodes
A lot has happened in the previous four episodes, including the arrival of Shubham "Shooby" Goel, one of season 1’s fan favorites. Along with Shooby, Tashia entered the game and both of them played as catfishes.
While, as a The Circle season 1 fan favorite, entering as Sasha was mandatory, Tashia chose to enter as Tamira as part of her strategy. Both of them entered with a secret mission and had to compete against each other in a race to make immediate connections to gain the most followers.
Tamira won votes from Sam, Tom, Marvin, Chaz, and Raven with them following her, while Shooby won Bruno’s and Jennifer’s votes. As a penalty for his loss, The Circle’s newest member had to block one of his followers. He ultimately picked Bruno and sent him packing.
This was followed by another player’s entry. Oliver entered the game in episode 7 and became the last player to join this season. In episode 8, Chaz and Tom were named influencers and had to choose someone to block. The two picked Sasha, aka Shooby, eventually putting an end to his short-lived journey. However, before he left, he gave Jennifer a special power.
In an interview with Parade, The Circle’s eliminated contestant opened up about his season 5 journey. In the conversation, he said that he loved the show a lot, which is what made him come back. He added that he wanted another chance to win the game. He was asked about his learnings from season 1 that he implemented in season 5, and said that he wanted to be adaptable.
Shubham said:
"I remember the first season when I was at the bottom of the rankings the first time; I just remembered that things could change super quickly, so never give up."
He added that he did not want to be as tough on catfishes the second time around. Catfishing is something that the contestant is against in real life, and he let that translate into season 1. He added,
“Sharky Shubham wants to apologize to all the catfishes I hunted successfully and unsuccessfully.”
Even though he had to enter The Circle season 5 as a catfish himself, he was just grateful to be able to return. He said that it was rough to be at the bottom and be the less popular newcomer between him and Tamira. He attributed his low rankings to the first group chat.
He said:
"I should have been a lot more energetic. I was a little nervous about that one."
The first eight episodes of The Circle season 5 are available on Netflix. Viewers can stream the episodes ahead of the new episodes on the streaming platform.