Netflix's upcoming Italian-language drama show, The Lying Life of Adults, is set to air on Wednesday, January 4, 2023, at 3 am ET. The series revolves around protagonist Giovanna as she explores the beautiful historical city of Naples whilst also discovering her inner self.
The show stars Giordana Marengo in the lead role along with numerous other actors portraying important supporting roles. The Lying Life of Adults is helmed by noted director Edoardo De Angelis.
The Lying Life of Adults on Netflix: Giovanna goes on a profound journey of self-discovery
Netflix released the official trailer for The Lying Life of Adults on December 20, 2022, and it offers a peek into the fascinating teenage life of protagonist Giovanna. It opens with a voiceover that brilliantly sets the tone for the show:
''When you're little, everything seems big. When you're grown up, everything seems small.''
The trailer subsequently goes on to depict several intriguing scenes from the show without revealing key details that could potentially spoil the viewing experience for fans.
Overall, the trailer maintains a hopeful tone that fans of coming-of-age dramas would certainly love. Along with the trailer, Netflix also shared an official description of the series, which reads:
"When you are little, everything seems big. When you are big, everything seems nothing.” A quote that summarizes Giovanna's story: her transition from adolescence, when every problem seems unsolvable, to adulthood, uncovering her family's lies while discovering an unprecedented Naples.''
The synopsis further states:
''In 1990s Naples, brash and bold Aunt Vittoria helps her sheltered niece experience a different side of the city, upsetting the teen's strict parents.''
Based on the synopsis and trailer, viewers can look forward to a nostalgic and emotional trip back to the 90s with several fascinating and unique characters. The songs featured in the trailer, along with the scenes, capture the quintessential 90s vibe. The series reportedly features a total of six episodes, all of which are expected to premiere on January 4, 2023.
Meet Valeria Golino and other cast members
Giordana Marengo is in the lead role as Giovanna. She looks quite impressive in her role as she portrays the various complex shades of her character with stunning ease and confidence. Viewers can expect her to deliver a fine performance in her debut.
Starring alongside Marengo in another key role is Valeria Golino, who portrays the character of Giovanna's charismatic and fearless Aunt Vittoria. Golino looks brilliant in the series trailer, as she perfectly embodies the traits that define her character with absolute ease.
Other supporting cast members include Alessandro Preziosi, Pina Turco, Adriano Pantaleo, and many more.
Director Edoardo De Angelis is widely known for The Vice of Hope, Mozzarella Stories, and many more.
Don't forget to catch The Lying Life of Adults on Netflix on Wednesday, January 4, 2023.