The highly anticipated sci-fi mystery thriller series Vortex is all set to debut on Netflix on Friday, June 2, 2023, at 3:01 am ET. Set in the year 2025, the show follows Ludovic, a police captain in the French City of Brest, who while studying a reconstructed VR crime scene discovers a time warp that allows him to communicate with his late wife Melanie, just days prior to her eventual death.
Vortex recently premiered on French television networks and managed to garner global appreciation for its enthralling and emotionally touching storyline. Owing to its immense popularity, Netflix has picked up the drama fantasy series and fans are over the moon. The six-part series will be available for streaming in over 190 countries starting this Friday.
The official synopsis of the show, as per Netflix, reads:
"In 2025, thanks to a new technology, police officers can immerse themselves in crime scenes, reconstructed in virtual reality, to help them solve their investigations. When Ludovic, a police captain, uses VR to analyze the crime scene of a drowned woman on a beach in Brest, someone appears to him. But this person has nothing to do with the scene and for good reason: it is Mélanie, the great love of his youth (and also the mother of his daughter Juliette), who died on the same beach 27 years ago."
The series will feature an exceptionally talented cast, with award-winning actor Tomer Sisley in the lead role as Ludovic Béguin. The series is written and created by Camille Couasse, Sarah Farkas, and Éric Pucheu.
Vortex promises to be an exciting adventure for viewers
The trailer for the show has already managed to intrigue the audience. It gives us insight into the life of Ludovic, a police captain in the French city of Brest, who while investigating a crime in a reconstructed VR crime scene, finds out that the victim resembles his late wife Melanie. However, he later discovers that it is actually a time warp through which he can communicate with her, days prior to her death.
Ludovic comes to the conclusion that the drowned women's death and Melanie's death are connected in some way, and so he sets out on his quest to solve the mystery behind his wife's death, which took place almost 27 years ago. While Melanie and Ludovic work together to find the killer and change the events of the past, little to their knowledge, their actions cause unpredictable butterfly effects in the present.
As Ludovic continues to race against time and solve Melanie's death before the time warp ends, he is faced with tough decisions on the personal front. In another unexpected and exciting turn of events, the trailer reveals that Ludovic's decision to stop Melanie's murder may threaten his relationship with his new wife Parvana, and son Sam.
With such engrossing storylines, Vortex is already shaping up to be one of the most exciting and thrilling titles on Netflix.
In an interview with Variety, Julia Schulte, SVP of international sales at France TV Distribution, praised the show and said:
“‘Vortex’ is a brilliant show innovating its genre: an extremely gripping investigation – partly rolled out in the virtual space – that captures us to take us further to a deeply touching love and family drama. A perfect match to satisfy multiple linear and non-linear audiences today!”
More about the cast of Vortex
The show features award-winning actor Tomer Sisley in the lead role of Ludovic. The actor brilliantly portrays the role in the teaser and fans can expect a stunning performance from the actor. Prior to Vortex, the actor was also a part of the critically acclaimed Netflix dark comedy Don't Look Up and the TV series Balthazar.
The show also stars numerous other actors in pivotal roles including Camille Claris as Melanie Beguin, Zineb Triki as Parana Beguin, Eric Pucheu as Nathan Leroy, and Anais Parello as Juliette Beguin, among others.
Vortex will premiere on Friday, June 2, 2023, at 3:01 am ET, exclusively on Netflix.