Who is Ghislaine Maxwell? is a three-part docuseries that premiered at midnight on the Starz app on Friday, June 24, 2022. The first episode is set to air on linear on Sunday, June 26, 2022, at 9 PM ET/PT, and it will be followed by the next two episodes in a weekly fashion. The docuseries will explore the former socialite's fall from grace after she was convicted for s*x trafficking.
Directed by Erica Gornall and produced by Katherine Haywood, Who is Ghislaine Maxwell? was developed in collaboration with All3Media and Roast Beef Productions. The documentary comes at an opportune time with Maxwell due to be sentenced on June 28.
Everything you need to know about the docu-series Who is Ghislaine Maxwell?
The three-part Starz documentary will follow Ghislaine Maxwell, the Oxford-educated youngest daughter of publishing magnate Robert Maxwell. She found herself on trial for s*x abuse after conspiring with Jeffrey Epstein. The documentary will seek to uncover the twisted life and actions of Ghislaine Maxwell by showcasing interviews with her friends, acquaintances, and confidants.
From what we know, the documentary will work backwards to trace the events that led to Maxwell's conviction on s*x trafficking charges in December 2021. She currently awaits sentencing on June 28. Who is Ghislaine Maxwell? may answer the lingering question in everyone's minds about why an heiress like Maxwell would prey on women.
In a press statement, executive producer Dorothy Byrne said,
"We have grown used to stories of men preying on young women. The story of Ghislaine Maxwell shocks and fascinates because she was a woman who preyed on young women. She used the fact that she was a middle-aged woman with a cut-glass English accent to lure vulnerable young women."
Previously, Ghislaine Maxwell was also featured in Peacock's 2021 documentary series Epstein's Shadow: Ghislaine Maxwell. Paramount+ also released a four-part docuseries called Ghislaine – Partner in Crime in April 2022.
Where is Ghislaine Maxwell now?
The uncovering of Jeffrey Epstein's s*x abuse scandal in July 2019 sent shockwaves across the world. British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell was found to be his co-conspirator who allegedly procured the girls for him.
While Epstein took his own life in prison in 2019 as he awaited trail, Maxwell recently stood trial for her involvement in the case. She was charged with several s*x trafficking offenses that she committed between 1994 and 2004 with Epstein at his residences in Florida, New York, and New Mexico.
Maxwell had initially fled after Epstein's death, but the FBI eventually tracked her down in New Hampshire in July 2020. In December 2021, after 40 hours of jury deliberation, she was found guilty of recruiting and grooming young girls to have s*xual encounters with Epstein.
Presently, Ghislaine Maxwell is being held at the New York Metropolital Detention Center in Brooklyn, New York as she awaits sentencing that is due on June 28, 2022.
The first part of Who is Ghislaine Maxwell? will be released on Starz on Sunday, June 26, 2022 at 9 PM ET/PT.