The popular spinoff to The Big Bang Theory, Young Sheldon, is all set to return for its sixth season on September 29, 2022. The show, which has garnered a lot of attention over its past five seasons, will follow Sheldon Cooper (Iain Armitage) on his college journey. Sheldon has had a lot of ups and downs over the last few seasons, and he now hopes to offset some of them with his newly discovered maturity and guile.
The new season will begin with a lot of things still at stake for the young prodigy and the people surrounding him. Executive producer Steve Holland revealed to TV Line that the characters are still in a tough spot following the difficult end to the fifth season. He revealed:
"The premiere picks up right after that phone call home to George and Mary...The first episode is about the fallout of that [arrest]."
The upcoming episode of Young Sheldon will air at 8:00 PM EST on the CBS channel. Read on for more details.
Young Sheldon season 6, episode 1 sneak peek: Where are the characters now?
A portion of the upcoming episode was recently teased in a sneak peek clip. Though this part was only a conversation, it does reveal the mood of the first episode. The show will pick up right where the fifth season left off. The synopsis for the first episode reads:
"George Sr. bails Meemaw and Georgie out of jail; Sheldon and Missy meet Mandy; Mary feels unwelcome at church."
The first episode of the show will focus on Meemaw (Annie Potts) and Georgie (Montana Jordan). Their bail will be another major issue addressed in the first episode. Sheldon's older brother has a bigger mountain to climb in this season of the show. Talking about his character, Steve Holland said:
"A lot of this season is Georgie and Mandy’s story...Georgie would obviously like to be with Mandy. But regardless of that, he wants to be a part of this baby’s life and figure out how to be a provider...he and Meemaw are going to expand the [laundromat casino] business together."
Mandy, on the other hand, will also be a pivotal part of the story in Young Sheldon season 6. Holland also spoke about Mandy in his interview with TV Line. He said:
"She doesn’t want to just marry this teenage kid who got her pregnant...She’s a strong, independent woman that wants to make it on her own...she starts to realize that she does need some help. It doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re going to get married. All of the Coopers step up. They’re there for her."
The first episode of Young Sheldon will also focus on George to some extent. In fact, the entire season will likely be driven by all the side characters. It will be Sheldon's story, but a lot of it will also be about others in the show. Speaking about George (played by the brilliant Lance Barber), Holland said:
"All that gets put on the back burner [in the premiere] as he deals with getting his son out of jail...But following that up, George, like Mary, is at a crossroads. He has lost a piece of his identity. He is trying not only to find a job for employment, but figuring out what his role [in the world] is now, now that’s he’s no longer a high school football coach."
The upcoming premiere of Young Sheldon will shape the entire season. Watch this space for more updates.