The much-awaited Transformers: Rise of the Beasts was finally released in theaters on Friday, June 9, 2023. The film was certainly a first of its kind, for it not only brought back the iconic and legendary characters of Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Arcee, and Wheeljack but also introduced new future characters of the franchise, including the Maximals, Terrorcons, and Unicron.
The film was filled with thrilling and heartbreaking moments; however, the post-credits scene of the film has managed to make headlines.
The post-credits scene in the movie begins to play shortly after the credits start to play; however, the scene is better categorized as a mid-credits scene because viewers do not have to wait until the very end of the credits, unlike in some movies. While the Transformers franchise has never been one for the post-credits scene, the franchise recently joined in on the trend; the only Transformers movie to have a post-credit scene was Bumblebee.
Even before the release of Transformers: Rise of the Beasts, Paramount revealed that the movie would mark the beginning of a trilogy. Therefore, fans of the Transformers franchise expected that the movie would set up the next two installments of the trilogy. And luckily, director Steven Caple Jr. did not disappoint.
Transformers: Rise of the Beasts mid-credits scene explained

In a surprising mid-credits scene, it was revealed that Mirage was in fact alive after the final battle. The Autobot, who seemingly died fighting Scourge, was barely left alive. He was revealed to have been rebuilt by Noah. Mirage needed Noah to take control so that he could stay alive despite the damage he had incurred in the final battle, which is why the Autobot transformed into a human-sized Transformer suit.
Noah takes Mirage's suit back to New York and spends time working on repairing him using old car parts. Due to the repair, it can also be seen that Mirage's usual Porsche design has now been replaced by different colored parts of cars that are older and dirtier. However, fans of the film are well acquainted with the fact that Autobots can change the model and make of their skin by scanning other vehicles, so Mirage's skin is temporary for the time being.
However, the confirmation that the mid-credits scene gives to the viewers is that Mirage and Noah's story is far from over.
How will the mid-credits scene in Transformers: Rise of the Beasts impact the Transformers franchise?

While it is unclear how Mirage and Noah's reunion will pay off in the future, fans can expect the duo to return for the duration of the trilogy. Transformers has always been known to host at least one human and Autobot duo; previously, that was Sam Witwicky and Bumblebee in Michael Bay's original Transformers trilogy.
However, what has most excited fans is that a Transformers and G.I. Joe crossover has now seemingly been confirmed by the film. In the closing moments of the film, when Noah returns to New York and lines up a couple of job interviews, he comes across Slizza Imports, an organization that tempts him the most.
Unbeknownst to him, the organization is a front for another secret organization, and Noah is actually going in for an interview with Agent Burke, from the G.I. Joe universe, who knows all about his recent escapades with the Autobots. The film ends there and has left fans wanting more ever since.
The Transformers franchise has been wanting to team up with the G.I. Joe franchise for a very long period of time, but the storylines of both franchises never exactly sat right together for a crossover. Now that Transformers: Rise of the Beasts has done the unthinkable, it'll be no surprise if the next G.I. Joe installment hosts Noah and Mirage.
Transformers: Rise of the Beasts is now playing in theaters.