Discovery+ is bringing its viewers a ‘dragtastic’ show, Generation Drag, on June 1 by releasing all six episodes at once on the network. The show produced by Tyra Banks is slightly different from previous drag competitions. With five teens, the show will track their preparation for their biggest drag performance at Dragutante, a competitive platform designed for LGBTQ+ teens to express themselves.
As the show will feature the drag journey of five teens, it will also film the challenges and judgments they face in choosing what they love. Moreover, the parents of these teens will also share their experiences of supporting their children and how they handled the comments people threw at them.
The official synopsis of the show reads:
The new series, GENERATION DRAG, that follows five teens and their families as they anticipate their biggest drag performance at Dragutante, a drag show designed as a platform for LGBTQ+ teens to express themselves. The show gives an intimate look at the lives of these families as they courageously support their kids who are navigating their true identities.
More about Tyra Banks’s Generation Drag
Jameson, Noah, Vinny, Bailey, and Nabela are the five teens preparing for Dragutante – a first-of-its-kind drag ball event for teens and tweens. Moreover, as the competition is all about expressing themselves, they will be guided by their parents and “drag moms” in their grooming for the Dragutante stage located in Denver, Colorado.
Each of these teens has a different struggle which they want to end by participating in Generation Drag. By performing an original song, Jameson, who has been a veteran participant in the competition for three years, wishes to express his emotions about not being accepted by certain family members.
On the other hand, perfectionist Vinny, who struggles with his “Vinessa Shimmer” choreography, doubts himself about not executing flawless cartwheels on his new platforms on stage.
A trans female and “Poptart” performer, Noah has been accepted by her parents, yet she wishes to have a deeper conversation with them about her true self.
Bailey, whose drag persona is “Nemo,” holds sheer confidence about performing his best in the competition and is greatly looking forward to making friends who have a similar story as his.
Lastly, Nabela, keen to perform her signature “DunkaShay Monroe,” patiently waits for acceptance from her maternal grandmother, who she fears may never accept her.
In an interview with People, Tyra Banks expressed her feelings about her upcoming show. She stated:
"We thought that maybe those who don't understand may begin to understand, even if it was just a little bit."
She continued:
"For those who shun this community, they might be able to find that these families are more like theirs than not. And for those struggling to navigate their place in the queer community, they will see they are not alone."
Furthermore, she expressed admiration for the star cast that has been selected for Generation Drag:
“I have such admiration and respect for these teens. They are bravely navigating coming into their own in a world that can be very challenging and not always accepting. What is so beautiful is seeing their parents and siblings supporting them,”
Viewers can binge-watch all six episodes of Generation Drag on Wednesday, June 1, on Discovery +.