What is a White Privilege card? Cops under fire for violating department policy by letting Alaska woman go

The photo of the woman with the cop (Image via MimiIsraelah/Facebook)
The photo of the woman with the cop (Image via MimiIsraelah/Facebook)

Two officers from the Anchorage Police Department violated policy when they didn't ticket a woman who showed them her 'White Privilege Card.' While the officers were identified as Nicholas Bowe and Charles Worland, the woman was identified as Mimi Israelah, who boasted about the incident in a now-deleted Facebook post.

Israelah's post mentioned that the incident took place on July 7 when she was allowed to leave without a ticket despite not having her driver's license at the time. Before it was deleted, the post that was noticed by the Anchorage Police Department said:

"When I saw my White Privilege card, I gave to him if it’s ok. He laughed and called his partner. It’s their first time to see a White Privileged (sic) card."

These cards are essentially novelty items that promote a sense of superiority in people who believe they are better due to their skin complexion and race.


During a public meeting on August 3, Anchorage PD's Deputy Chief Sean Case spoke about the incident and said:

“We recognize that the post, what was contained in that post, caused a bit of a public uproar, and there were a lot of people that saw that and did not like that post and had negative reactions to that — thought it was an inappropriate post — and we recognize that.”

However, at the time of writing this article, it was unknown whether there was any disciplinary action taken against the two officers who let Mimi leave after she showed them the 'White Privilege Card.'

What is the novelty item 'White Privilege Cards'?

As everyone knows, white privilege basically refers to the societal benefits that white/caucasian people receive. This ranges from preferential treatment in public places like parks and supermarkets to the treatment they receive from authorities.

Needless to say, it isn't the same for people of color as racial discrimination causes them to be treated completely differently. It also causes them to face a lot of issues with authorities.

'White Privilege Cards' are basically novelty items that can be found in a number of stores. While they aren't legally binding and do not come with authorized permissions, these cards can be used to mock people and often promote white supremacy.

Additionally, a white privilege card can also refer to the demands made by a white person who believes that they are superior to people of color in the USA.

What was the controversy with the two officers and the woman with the 'White Privilege Card'?

Following the incident in July, Israelah took to Facebook to gloat about getting out of getting a ticket thanks to her possession of the card. In the post, she also added that she was "already having so much fun" in Alaska.


At the time, the woman had driven former US President Donald Trump's political rally in Anchorage. During the rally, the woman who calls herself a Filipina was reportedly stopped at around 3.37 am when the cops found her car trying to weave the divider line on the road.

When she was stopped, Mimi reportedly gave the officers her 'White Privilege Card' instead of her driver's license. In her Facebook post, she mentioned that the police had a good laugh at it before letting her go.

According to her post, Israelah reportedly bought the card from a novelty store called The Hodgetwins Conservative Twins.

Netizens react to White Privilege Card controversy with Anchorage Police Department

After the post was published, the Filipina woman received severe flak over the fact that she didn't face any penalty over not being in possession of a driver's license. Netizens severely criticized Mimi as well as the police officers for negligence.

People on the microblogging channel also said that both the police officers should have been suspended and the woman should have been penalized.

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