Southern Charm, Bravo's popular reality show, is currently airing season 9 and follows the lives of a group of close-knit friends living in Charleston, North Carolina. The show aired its latest episode on Thursday, December 14, 2023, during which, fans saw cast member Austen Kroll kiss Whitney Sudler Smith.
Whitney is a director and producer and is the creator and executive producer of the Bravo show. Moreover, he is also a guitarist, and reality television star, whose net worth stands at $12 million, according to Celebrity Net Worth.
Whitney's on-screen Southern Charm journey started in 2014 when the show first aired as he started appearing as a recurring cast member. The show airs episodes every Thursday on Bravo.
Whitney Smith created 2 spin-offs for Southern Charm, Savannah and New Orleans
American filmmaker Whitney Smith was born on June 2, 1968, in Washington, D.C., to Patricia Altshul and Arthur Altshul. The Southern Charm cast member's mother was a socialite and his father was a Wall Street mogul.
Whitney's education credits include attending Georgetown Day School, followed by his time at George Washington University. He also attended Oxford University.
In 1996, the Southen Charm executive producer shifted to Los Angeles to pursue his career in the film and entertainment industry. He has lived in the city for 17 years while working as an independent filmmaker and screenwriter.
Some of his projects include Bubba & Ike, Dark Realm, and Torture TV. However, one of his most recognized projects is a documentary called Ultrasuede: In Search of Halston.
In 2014, Whitney created the Bravo show, and three years later, he created its first spin-off, Savannah. The following year, Whitney created New Orleans.
The Bravo celebrity spoke to The Daily Dish in 2018 about the show as well as other projects he had going on. At the time, he said that it was "kind of a weird pipe dream" that ballooned into a monster.
The producer noted that he had been going to Charleston a lot and "knew there was a show there." Whitney added that he met a lot of people there and started to slowly develop Southern Charm.
"There was Tamic Lee, we decided it would be a great show to focus in and around her family, group of friends, and the show just kind of took off from there. And then the more we developed it, the more it kind of became a Southern Charm and that brand - but it all kind of fit together organically," Whitney added.
During the conversation, he added that he has a production company and that he had been playing in rock bands throughout his life. He noted that he can "shred heavy metal guitar."
Whitney added that he used to have long hair and played in a lot of heavy metal bands and called the guitar an "addiction."
What happened in the latest episode?
In the latest episode of the Bravo show, Olivia and Taylor were seen at odds. Even before the current season aired, fans knew the upcoming installment would be dramatic as the news of Taylor and Austen's secret hookup became public knowledge.
In the latest season, the cast has been seen dealing with the fallout, and in the latest episode, Olivia told Taylor that she could no longer be friends with her.
Southern Charm season 9 will return next week with a brand new episode on Bravo.