A new day and a new Wordle puzzle to solve for the word game's players. The game drops a new word daily at midnight and is available for 24 hours before it resets to a new word.
If any player misses a day, then there is no official way to check back on the puzzle, but they can go to the Wordle Archive website to play any game from the past.
The website is a great place for new players to get acquainted with the game. Players who are facing problems in finding the answers can also check our website for daily clues.
This article includes hints for today's answer, the answer, and a little trivia about the game.
Warning: Spoilers for today's solution ahead.
Solution for Wordle #254 ends with the letter "E"
The following are some clues to the answer for February 28:
- The word contains two vowels.
- The word ends with the letter E.
- The word contains the letter K.
- The word rhymes with the word "poke."
So, did you guess the answer? Do let us know if you did, and if you want to be sure of your answer, continue reading. The solution for February 28 is "choke."
The word can mean multiple things, but the most common meaning for choke is "to check or block normal breathing of by compressing or obstructing the trachea or by poisoning or adulterating available air."
The meaning was quoted directly from the Merriam-Webster dictionary.
New York Times is not making the game hard
Players around the world were upset at The New York Times for adding difficult words to the game. However, the news portal has nothing to do with what word pops up next in the game.
The game is built on a preset database of 3000 words. Interested readers can check out all the answers lined up to 2027 on this website: www.medium.com/@owenyin/here-lies-wordle-2021-2027-full-answer-list-52017ee99e86.
But we would advise not to ruin the fun, and guess the words on their designated dates.
If you just stumbled upon the game and want to know how it is played, go to the NYT website. The link will open the game page, where the player has to write a five-letter word. After writing the word, press "ENTER." The tiles under the word will change colors to either green, yellow or red.
- Green means the letter is placed at the correct spot in the word.
- Yellow means the letter is in the word but has been placed incorrectly.
- Gray means the letter does not appear in the word.
Keep trying according to the colors until you guess the right word.