Wordle ruled over social media during the first two months of 2022. It seemed like the whole world was sitting on its toes to find its solution. The craze for the game has since dulled down but it still registers a handsome number of 20k daily players.
The game was created by American software engineer, Josh Wardle. He created the game for his partner, Palak Shah. Shah is an avid quiz player and loves to solve crosswords.
The couple worked on Wordle as a personal project. They spent a major part of their early quarantine building the game and later playing it. However, the game has seen a consistent rise in its player base. Looking at its rising popularity, Wardle decided to release the game publicly.
The game went viral just a few months after its release, attracting media giants like The New York Times. Impressed by its growth, the news portal acquired the game for a seven-digit amount.
The solution for Wordle #311 rhymes with the word "diced"
The clues are presented below:
- The word begins with the letter H
- The word contains two vowels in it
- The word contains the letter S
- The word ends with the letter T.
The answer was recently made popular by a Netflix show that rhymes with the word "diced." The solution for April 26 is the word "heist."
According to Merriam Webster, a heist means robbery or planned theft.
Canuckle is the Canadian version of Wordle
Canuckle was created by Ottowa resident Mark Rogers, who wanted to create a Canadian version of the game for his children. The answers in the game are related or connected to Canada in some way or another.
While talking about the inspiration behind Canuckle, Rogers explained that his children love to play the original version, but sometimes faltered due to the difference in vocabulary.
He decided to make a spin-off of the game that was specifically made for the Canadian player base. Released on February 10, the game works on the same principle as Wordle.
Players are given six chances to find a five-letter word. The first word has to be a blind guess from the player. After entering the word, the tiles under each letter change in color to either red, yellow or gray.
Referencing the Canadian flag, Rogers swapped the color green with red and used it to signify the right letter in the right block. Yellow denotes the presence of the letter in the word but in a different position, and gray denotes the absence of the letter. The game will only be playable up to Canada Day on July 1, so interested players will need to try it before that.