CBS' acclaimed procedural drama, Bull, is going on a short break following the latest episode, which aired on March 10, 2022. The show, which is on its final season, is nearly reaching its end as the 14th episode, out of the proposed 22, just aired.
Fans are curious about the upcoming episode after this week's fascinating run, where Dr. Jason Bull, played by Michael Weatherly, dealt with a case where he had to work both as a legal consultant as well as a doctor while dealing with a youth who has agoraphobia.
However, fans will have to wait for quite some time before they see Dr. Jason in action again, as the show's next episode is scheduled for release on March 31, 2022.
Bull season 6, episode 15: A turn to interesting events?
CBS' crime procedural drama deals with Dr. Jason and his team of elite legal professionals who run a trial consultancy firm that helps clients win complicated legal battles. The show has gone through a major evolution over six seasons, consisting of significant character development.
Michael Weatherly recently announced his departure from the show, which led to the channel canceling it. However, with ample time in hand, the writers will look to make things more interesting and find a nice way to conclude the long-running TV series. These short breaks are probably a way to have enough time to write a good ending to the show.
The writers may also try to drive the narrative on a new and interesting path, which will perhaps lead to a satisfying conclusion.
It is titled With These Hands and will perhaps be another complicated case that pushes Dr. Jason to his extent again. It will deal with a case involving a surgeon who once saved Jason's life, but is now charged with malpractice. The official synopsis for the episode reads,
"The surgeon who saved Bull's life after his heart attack is sued for malpractice; Taylor fights the urge to check into the background of Henri Fray, Marissa's new love interest."
This episode will put Dr. Jason in a complicated position that tests his moral compass.
When will the upcoming episode air on CBS?
The upcoming episode of the show will premiere on March 31, 2022, on the CBS channel. It airs at 10.00 pm ET. It will also be available on CBS' official streaming site.