In December 2022, renowned singer Celine Dion announced that she had been diagnosed with stiff person syndrome (SPS) and would be postponing some shows from her Courage World Tour. This was followed by an announcement in May 2023 that the remaining shows set to be held in 2023 and 2024 had been canceled.
"I'm working really hard to build back my strength, but touring can be very difficult even when you’re 100%. It’s not fair to you to keep postponing the shows, and even though it breaks my heart, it’s best that we cancel everything now until I’m really ready to be back on stage again," Celine Dion said in an Instagram post.
SPS is a rare neurological condition that leads to muscle rigidity, spasms, and heightened sensitivity to stimuli. Dion's openness about her health struggles brought attention to the challenges she faced, both physically and emotionally. Her sister Claudette Dion recently opened up about the artist's condition in an interview with 7 Jours and said that she "doesn’t have control over her muscles."
Claudette's insights into Celine Dion's condition
In a recent interview with 7 Jours, the singer's sister, Claudette Dion, shared updates on the singer's battle with stiff person syndrome. She stated that Celine has limited control over her muscles, and as translated by E! News, stated:
“She doesn’t have control over her muscles. What breaks my heart is that she’s always been disciplined. She’s always worked hard. Our mother always told her, 'You’re going to do it well, you’re going to do it properly.'”
According to The Los Angeles Times, she further told 7 Jours:
"The vocal cords are muscles, and the heart is also a muscle. This is what comes to get me. Because [Dion’s condition is a] one out of a million case, the scientists haven’t done that much research because it didn’t affect that many people"
Their other sibling, Linda Dion, presently resides with Celine Dion in Las Vegas and assists with her care as she undergoes medical treatment, as per Vulture.
Understanding stiff person syndrome
Stiff person syndrome is a rare neurological condition characterized by muscle spasms, rigidity, and heightened sensitivity to stimuli. The disorder initially manifests in the trunk or torso and abdomen before extending to other muscles.
It reportedly impacts twice as many females as compared to males and is associated with other autoimmune diseases. There is currently no specific cause for the condition, as per the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.
Severe spasms associated with SPS can lead to falls, fractures, and significant disability. The emotional toll, coupled with physical challenges, can make daily life rather challenging.
Celine Dion, born in 1968, is a highly acclaimed Canadian singer recognized for her powerful vocals across various genres. Discovered in her youth, she rose to fame with French albums in the 1980s.
Dion's English debut, Unison (1990), and subsequent albums like The Colour of My Love (1993) and Falling into You (1996) helped her rise to fame globally. She achieved immense success with hits such as The Power of Love and My Heart Will Go On.
As fans anxiously await updates on Celine Dion's health and potential return to the industry, they hope for her swift recovery.