In the expansive Fallout universe, the highly anticipated TV adaptation, set to premiere on Amazon Prime, unfolds its narrative against the backdrop of a post-apocalyptic world. Delving into uncharted territory, the Fallout TV show diverges from the video game franchise, presenting a new storyline conceived by directors Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy.
As viewers eagerly await the series, the burning question revolves around when this story is situated within the Fallout timeline. Moving ahead 219 years from the pivotal Great War of 2077, the show is set in the year 2296.
This temporal setting places the story beyond the events of all the Fallout video games, spanning from 2102 to 2287. With its unique temporal and geographical positioning in post-apocalyptic Los Angeles, the Fallout TV show promises to deliver a fresh exploration of the Fallout universe, blending the iconic aesthetics of the franchise with innovative storytelling.
Is the Fallout TV show canon to the original video game?
Yes, the Fallout TV show is acknowledged as canon within the Fallout universe. According to Todd Howard, the creator of the franchise's games, the TV series introduces a new storyline while staying faithful to the lore established in the video games. Amazon's Fallout series, set in 2296, is expected to explore the aftermath of the Great War and the consequences of the nuclear fallout.
This commitment to maintaining canon status ensures that the TV adaptation aligns with the established narrative of the original Fallout video games, enriching the overarching lore of the franchise.
All filming locations for the Fallout TV show
Specific filming locations for the Fallout TV show were not publicly disclosed. The production team behind the series has been discreet about the details of the shooting locations.
However, it is common for TV productions to employ various settings and studios to recreate post-apocalyptic landscapes. With Fallout's iconic backdrop set in post-apocalyptic Los Angeles, it's likely that a combination of practical locations, sound stages, and potentially CGI will be utilized to bring the rich and immersive world of Fallout to life on screen.
For the latest and most accurate information, it's recommended to check official announcements or production updates.
Fallout cast and all you need to know about the stars
The cast of the highly-anticipated Fallout series features a diverse ensemble of talented individuals with talent that spans various genres and platforms. Ella Purnell, renowned for her standout performance in Yellowjackets, embodies Lucy, an optimistic Vault Dweller facing the harsh realities of a desolate world.
Walton Goggins, known for The Hateful Eight, takes on the role of The Ghoul, a pragmatic and mysterious bounty hunter navigating the wasteland. Aaron Moten, recognized from Emancipation, portrays Maximus, a young soldier with a tragic past serving the militaristic Brotherhood of Steel. Kyle MacLachlan, famed for Twin Peaks, steps into the shoes of Overseer Hank, adding depth to the narrative as Lucy's father in Vault 33. The diverse and talented cast promises to bring the Fallout universe to life with compelling performances and dynamic character portrayals.
Everything to know about Tim Cain's original video game franchise
Tim Cain is the mastermind behind the original Fallout video game franchise, serving as the producer, programmer, and designer for the first Fallout released in 1997. Developed by Interplay Entertainment, the game is renowned for its post-apocalyptic setting, engaging narrative, and open-world exploration.
Cain's vision emphasized player choice, leading to the development of a non-linear storyline with various possible outcomes. Fallout's success paved the way for a series that has become a hallmark in the genre of role-playing games. Cain's contribution to the franchise highlights his impact on creating a unique gaming experience, earning him recognition in the gaming industry.