The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills (RHOBH), currently in its 13th season, aired a brand new episode on Wednesday, December. 13, 2023. During the segment, Kyle Richards, one of the show's original cast members, was seen being vulnerable while remembering a dear old friend.
Kyle Richards' childhood friend, Lorene Shea, whom she met when they were both only seven years old, died by suicide in May 2022. Lorene was battling depression, and soon after her passing, Kyle took to social media to mourn her death and also address the lack of mental health services.
She wrote that those who loved her rallied around her and did everything they could to get her help:
"The system made it impossible to get her the help she needed," the RHOBH star added.
During the December 13, 2023 episode, Kyle remembered her late friend and called her "the most important person" in her life outside her family.
RHOBH star Kyle Richards remembers late friend in season 10
In the latest episode of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills (RHOBH) season 13, Kyle Richards opened up about one of the most devastating losses of her life. During a therapy session, the original cast member broke down about her past and how it affected her life. She discussed the fallout with Kathy, her sister, and everything that had been happening in her life in the past year.
Later in the session, the RHOBH cast member opened up about Lorene's passing. She noted that on May 1, her "very very best friend" in her whole life passed away.
"Lorene was my other half, we always said we were separated at birth," the cast member told the cameras," she said.
The RHOBH star noted that she met Lorene in second grade when the two were seven years old. Kyle added that they had been best friends ever since. She was the most important person in her life outside of her family and knew the Bravo star very well.
Kyle Richards broke down while talking to her therapist and stated that she didn't know what happened because Lauren was "so together." Kyle revealed that she had put Lorene in her will and that she was supposed to take care of her children and her money.
The cast member further opened up about her best friend in a confessional and noted that it was hard to lose someone who was a "constant" in her life. She added that they shared everything and that she could talk to Lorene about everything, including her sisters.
Soon after Lorene's passing in May 2022, the RHOBH season 13 star took to social media to mourn her loss. She noted that her childhood friend was "kind, thoughtful, funny, smart, beautiful," and sentimental.
In the same post, she called out the lack of resources for dealing with mental health issues and noted that she would do everything in her power to help and change the laws.
"I love you Lorene. Rest In Peace."
Season 13 of the show airs episodes every Wednesday on Bravo.