Love Island, ITV's long-running dating reality show which is currently airing an All-Stars season, has been on air since 2015. Since its inception, the show has seen several islanders find love and continue these romantic relationships after the cameras were put down, including Paige Turley and Finn Tapp.
The two met in 2020 during season 6 and won the show together. They continued their relationship beyond the show and were together for three years. On June 11, 2023, Paige appeared on Love Island: After Sun, revealing that the couple were no longer together.
"We're still really good friends...I think we drifted apart. We did lockdown together and any and every struggle we could have faced, we were faced with. But we're still good friends."
Love Island: All Stars is currently on air, fans can watch episodes from Sundays to Fridays on ITV.
Paige Turley notes ex-boyfriend Finn Tapp isn't allowed on Love Island
The Love Island season 6 winners Paige Turley and Finn Tapp met in 2020. The two were part of the show's first-ever winter edition, which took place in Cape Town, South Africa.
While the two of them continued their relationship after the show ended, rumors of their breakup started surfacing in April 2023. However, it wasn't until June that the female islander confirmed the news while in a conversation with Maya Jama on Love Island: After Sun.
During the segment, the former cast member noted they were still good friends. Paige believed they "drifted apart. Maya asked the former cast member at the time whether she was "looking" now and the islander noted "not for a while."
"But if was back in there'd be trouble - we're not having an Adam Collard bombshell situation."
The host asked whether Finn was "banned" from being a bombshell on Love Island. Paige said "Yeah...Yeah."
In April 2023, an anonymous source told The Sun that Paige was spending time in Scotland while she figured out what to do next. The season 6 winner reportedly left the home the two shared in Manchester the same month.
The breakup shook fans, who, according to a poll by The Sun, thought they were endgame. Finn spoke to the publication a year after winning the show and spoke about wanting to spend his life with her. He called her "the one" and noted that he was eventually going to propose.
Finn didn't want to put a timescale on it but believed they would get married within the next two years.
"Paige and I have always spoken about an abroad wedding, we might do two weddings, a close intermediate wedding with family and then a big party here with everyone."
Paige and Finn weren't the only couples that were formed in the 2020 season. Other Winter series couples featured on the show included Siannise and Luke T, Demi Jonas and Luke Mabbott, Mike Boateng and Priscilla Anyabu, Molly Smith and Callum Jones, Nas Majeed and Eva Zapico, Ched Uzor, and Jess Gale, and, Sophie Piper and Conner Durman.
The show is currently airing All-Stars on ITV. Episodes of the same drop from Sunday to Friday.