Adult Swim has finally announced Rick and Morty Season 5. The hit show, featuring meta duo Rick and Morty, will be returning in the third week of June. Season 5 will be airing exactly one year after the last season ended.
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The Emmy-winning meta-comedy was renewed for 80 episodes in 2018. Season 4 had the usual ten episodes, which means that 70 more episodes are left. Season 5 is expected to have the usual ten episodes as well. This means that the remaining episodes will push the series to the 10th Season, at least.
This is real world meta, as the fourth-wall-breaking and self-aware character Rick Sanchez (in Season 3 Episode 1 - “The Rickshank Rickdemption”) said:
“If it takes nine seasons, I want my McNugget dipping sauce, Szechuan sauce, Morty.” The character further added, “Nine more seasons until I get that dipping Szechuan sauce. What is that? For 97 more years, Morty! I want that McNugget sauce, Morty.”
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‘Rick and Morty’ will be returning to entertain the fans on June 20 (Sunday) at 11 p.m. EST/PDT or 10 p.m. Central Time
The first episode to premiere is titled "Mort Dinner, Rick Andre." The episode will see Rick preparing for a dinner where he invites his “ocean-dwelling nemesis,” Mr. Nimbus.
"Rick and Morty" airs on Adult Swim. Sadly, there is no alternative to watching the episodes as it airs. However, older episodes of the show are available on Hulu and HBO Max. Previous seasons are available on Amazon Prime, Sling TV, and YouTube TV.
UK Release
There is still no official word for the release on Netflix. However, the entire season is expected to drop in a couple of months.
Check out the music video for "Oh Mama" by Run The Jewels featuring Rick And Morty.
Release Schedule
So far, only the title of the first three episodes has been confirmed, along with their release dates. Rick and Morty season 5 episode 1 will be dropping on June 20 (Sunday).
Episode 2 (‘Mortyplicity’) will be dropping on June 27 (Sunday) and episode 3 (“A Rickconvenient Mort”) will drop on July 4 (Sunday).
Although further dates and episodes have not been announced, they are expected to be aired on Sundays without any gaps.