With the world entering the end of the year, Spotify users are now wondering when the company will roll out the Wrapped 2022. Providing a reflection of users' full year, Wrapped has been collecting data from January 1 to October 31, and this data will be a breakdown of their yearly activity on the app.
Simply put, Wrapped will be a slideshow of users' listening habits that will show insights into their top artists, what genre they have listed to the most, and even how much time they spent on the application.
But the real question is, when will it release? While the date hasn’t been revealed by the company, it is estimated that the feature will be out sometime in early December. This is also because, last year, Wrapped came out on December 1. Hence, it is speculated that it will be released around the same time this year as well.
“I am more than my Spotify Wrapped”: Netizens share their thoughts as the world waits for the release
While the company has not yet revealed the release date of Spotify Wrapped, it has surely teased its arrival on its website. In a statement, the company said:
“Wrapped is coming. The story of your year with Spotify. Wrapped is a deep dive into the music and podcasts that defined your 2022. Keep listening to what you love, and we’ll shout when it’s ready. Until then, revisit the 2021 Wrapped hub.”

Desperately waiting for the release, many netizens posted hilarious tweets about the feature explaining their views and opinions about the same. An individual hilariously took to Twitter and said:
“I am more than my Spotify wrapped. I am not my Spotify wrapped. My Spotify wrapped does not define me.”
Others were super excited about the release of Wrapped 2022, as one Twitter user said:
“POV you just remembered Spotify Wrapped 2022 comes out in roughly one month.”
Wrapped only covers the data from January 1 to October 31 of every year
While many will listen to different music on the platform in November and December, the company made it clear in 2019 that Wrapped only covers the date from January 1 to October 31.
On Twitter, the company said:
“We're afraid that listening to a bunch of stuff right now won't make any difference to this year's or next year's Wrapped. This is because Wrapped only covers the 1st of January until the 31st of October for any given year. Hope this clears things up /GK.”
This snapshot of the trends also displays the most streamed artists globally. At the same time, some lucky users are also given a badge for being the top listeners on any particular list.