After its critically acclaimed debut in theatres around the world, Ben Affleck's Air is all set to come to streaming platforms later this month. Released on April 5, 2023, the film did well in the domestic market, earning a reported $79m worldwide in its four weeks. It was released on more than 3,500 screens, making it the biggest theatrical release for an Amazon Prime Video production.
With an aggregate rating of 92% on Rotten Tomatoes, the movie is already a critics' favorite. It has also managed to impress the viewers who have watched it. Unlike his acting career, which has seen good and bad, Ben Affleck has always managed to stand out as a director. For Air, he collaborated with screenwriter Alex Convery to reimagine the true story of Sonny Vaccaro and how he and Michael Jordan changed the face of sports endorsements.
Air will release exclusively on Amazon Prime Video on May 12, 2023. It is unlikely that it will release on any other platform as it is produced by Amazon Studios, Skydance Sports, Mandalay Pictures, and individual banners of Matt Damon and Affleck.
Air is the true story of Nike and Michael Jordan's partnership
Directed by Affleck, from a script by Alex Convery, Air is the true story of Nike and Michael Jordan's partnership that revolutionized sports branding and marketing for good. Matt Damon stars as Nike executive Sonny Vaccaro, who was the man behind scouting Jordan and bringing him in on the deal that changed the game for sports companies.
Affleck also stars in his own film as Nike co-founder Phil Knight, another key figure in this revolutionary process. As most sports fans already know, this deal with Jordan was the key to the next generation of sports advertising and branding.
The synopsis for the film reads:
"Follows the history of shoe salesman Sonny Vaccaro, and how he led Nike in its pursuit of the greatest athlete in the history of basketball, Michael Jordan."
The film also stars Viola Davis as Jordan's mother Deloris, alongside other ensemble stars like Jason Bateman, Chris Tucker, Chris Messina, Matthew Maher, Marlon Wayans, Gustaf Skarsgård, and Julius Tennon.
The executive producers of Air include Dana Goldberg, Don Granger, Kevin Halloran, Michael Joe, Drew Vinton, John Graham, Peter E. Strauss, and Jordan Moldo.
Speaking about the film to Geeks of Color, Matt Damon said:
"The story was so interesting when we read the script. We were like, wow, this is really interesting. We didn’t remember it that way. We forgot that Nike was like the underdog and the third-place shoe company, and now it’s like they’re so dominant. "
He added:
"And there’s such a part of the culture that it was interesting to go back and revisit what they were before this partnership with Jordan and before it all happened...So we just thought it was an interesting story, and one that was worth making a movie about, and one that the audience would like. We figure if we really want to hear this, then hopefully an audience does too."
With great reviews from some of the biggest critics in the country, Air has already set the stage for a big welcome when it premieres on May 12, 2023.