Directed by Adam Berg, Black Crab is a Swedish action thriller that will stream on Netflix from March 18, 2022. Starring Noomi Rapace, Aliette Opheim, David Dencik, and more, the movie narrates an incident in a post-apocalyptic world where 6 soldiers go out on a mission to transport a secret package across a frigid archipelago.
As of now, the movie has a 6.5/10 rating on IMDb, which is certainly going to pump up in the coming weeks. If you have a taste for sci-fi action and over-the-edge drama, then Black Crab is one movie that you should not miss out on.
Director Adam Berg is pretty hopeful that the movie has it all to entertain the audience. He said:
"I'm very happy and proud to have such a strong cast breathe life into this movie and our characters. These skilled actors, their eyes, voices, faces and bodies will carry us through the story. They will make us feel the brutality of war, the importance of hope in a hopeless world and the hard price you have to pay for survival. They will bring a beautiful humanity to the cold harsh world that is the Black Crab."
Black Crab streams on Netflix from March 18
Cast and the production team
Black Crab features Noomi Rapace in the lead role where she plays the character of Caroline. Though we don't know much about her yet, the trailer shows her being a war veteran who possesses a unique flair and strong personality.
Other popular actors starring in the movie include Erik Enge, Dar Salim, Ardalan Esmaili, and Aliette Opheim.
The movie, based on a book of the same name by Jerker Virdborg, is produced by Malin Idevall and Mattias Montero.
The plot
The storyline revolves around a mysterious package that needs to be transported by a group of soldiers, who have no idea about the challenges and hardships that lie ahead of them.
Caroline (Noomi Rapace) is aware that this is a suicide mission but still doesn't fall back, as she has intel that her long-lost daughter is still alive and surviving in a refugee camp across the ice. Thus, hoping to reunite with her little one once again, she undertakes the mission.
The movie is all about grit and determination that pushes a band of soldiers to take part in a mission that is almost impossible to complete. Apart from the threat of enemies and known challenges, the freezing cold weather plays an integral part in making their challenge bigger.
Netflix is known for being home to a plethora of action and adventure movies, and Black Crab seems to be a perfect addition to the league.