Close Enough, the adult animated comedy created by J.G. Quintel, has released a new video revealing its season 3 premiere date on HBO Max. The show focuses on adulting, which isn't simple, but can be enjoyable if surrounded by the right people.
The hit animated comedy launched its third season trailer and official key art for the series on HBO Max on Wednesday, March 23.
Here's everything viewers need to know about the upcoming third season of the show.
When is the third season of Close Enough expected to air on HBO Max?
The third season of Close Enough will return to HBO Max on Thursday, April 7, 2022, with eight new episodes. After first airing on HBO Max, the show will stream on TBS weekly in the months following.
Check out the trailer for the upcoming season of Close Enough
The third season's trailer teases a Halloween-themed episode, with Josh Singleton dressed as Mordecai, the twenty-something anthropomorphic blue jay Quintel voiced in the hit Cartoon Network series Regular Show.
In fact, it looks like the Halloween episode is absolutely packed with references. Josh's wife Emily Ramirez is dressed as Prince, while their daughter Candice Singleton-Ramirez is dressed as Chucky from the Child's Play movie franchise.
Meanwhile, Bridgette Yoshida is dressed as Jubilee from the X-Men, and Pearle Watson is dressed as Morpheus from The Matrix. Bridgette's ex-husband Alex Dorpenberger, on the other hand, appears to believe that dressing up is beneath him.
The trailer also contained plenty of chaos, with highlights including Josh being severely hurt after biting into a microwave burrito, a day at an amusement park going awry, and the aforementioned Halloween episode devolving into anarchy due to Los Angeles residents not learning how to cope with a little rain.
More about Close Enough season 3
The official artwork of season 3 reflects the tone, with all the primary characters on a jet ski joyride in what appears to be wedding attire, with Josh and Emily wearing a tux and a long white gown. Whatever posh event the couple is heading towards, the art and trailer promise a truly wild ride.
With alien adventures and silent cinema period bison on the horizon, the show is a fan favorite hit with its appealing comedy and animation style. While there is no set date for the show's premiere on TBS, fans of the show may catch all the new episodes on HBO Max on Thursday, April 7, 2022.