Family Guy is a much-loved adult animated comedy series that was launched on January 31, 1999 by the Fox Broadcasting Company. Seth MacFarlane has been serving as the creator of the show while David Zuckerman and MacFarlane have been serving as the developers of the animated series. Fuzzy Door Productions has produced the series.
The animated series revolves around a family, the Griffins, consisting of Peter and Lois, the father and the mother, Meg, Stewie and Chris, their children, and Brian, their anthropomorphic pet dog. The series takes place in Quahog, the fictional city of Rhode Island.
Since the release of the series, it has been getting great reviews from both viewers and critics worldwide and within a short period of time it has become a fan-favorite. The show has received a total of 12 Primetime Emmy Award nominations, winning three of them, and a total of 11 Annie Award nominations, having won awards in three of them.
Know all about Family Guy season 20 episode 16
What is the release date of episode 16 of Family Guy season 20?
In the month of September 2020, the animated adult series was renewed for 2 more seasons, the 20th and the 21st. The highly acclaimed animated show is currently in its 20th season. Fans are quite excited to see what happens next in episode 16 of this season of the series.
After receiving a sufficient amount of hype from viewers in the first few episodes, the its hype has become even stronger. Reportedly, episode 16 of season 20, titled Prescription Heroin, is all set to make its arrival on March 27, 2022.
What to expect from season 20's episode 16?
As always, the antics of the Griffin family will be front and center in episode 16 of season 20, for those viewers who don't already know. An extremely frustrated housewife, a beer-swilling dad, a teenage son who is extremely awkward, a teenage daughter, a baby son who is a megalomaniac, and a family dog who is extremely sophisticated.
They are are all ready to entertain viewers from all around the world in season 20, episode 16 of Family Guy. That being said, it is extremely hard to predict what the new episode will bring to the table, as most viewers of the sitcom already know.
When and where can viewers watch the much-loved animated show's episode 16 of season 20?
It is quite evident that the anticipation for the new episode of Family Guy season 20 is quite high among viewers. Prescription Heroin will premiere on Sunday, March 27, 2022, on Fox. Viewers can also stream it on Disney+ Hotstar or Hulu the very next day at 10.30 am IST.
Don't miss Family Guy season 20 episode 16, premiering on March 27, 2022.