Master is an upcoming thriller drama that will stream on Prime Video from March 18, 2020. Starring Regina Hall, Sofia Hublitz, and more, the movie narrates the story of when 3 women land up at the prestigious New England university, only to experience something disturbing. The movie is written and directed by Mariama Diallo.
Master streams on Prime Video from March 18, 2022
The cast and the production unit
The movie features popular American actress Regina Hall, who played the lead role of Gail Bishop. Other onscreen cast members from the movie include Jasmine Moore (Zoe Renee), Liv Beckman (Amber Gray), Cressida (Ella Hunt), and more.
Co-produced by Joshua Astrachan, Brad Becker-Parton, and Andrea Roa, Master premiered at the Sundance Film Festival on January 21, 2022. Robert Aiki Aubrey Lowe contributed to the movie with his music.
The storyline debriefed
Professor Gail Bishop (Regina Hall) is shown as the “Master” of a residence hall who has recently been promoted to that position. This is the first time that a black woman has held the position at Ancaster College.
The plot keeps rolling as the professor gets determined to inject new life into an age-old tradition. Soon she finds herself in the trials of an energetic black fresher, Jasmine Moore (Zoe Renee). The incidents that follow set up the ideal platform for one of the top-notched thrillers from modern times.
Straight from the Directors mouth
Director Mariama Diallo is hopeful about the potential success of this movie. In one of her recent interviews, she spoke about how she intends to portray horror films to the audience. She stated:
“I think that there’s a way in which horror films made by Black artists are being received as kind of teaching tools for non-Black artists to receive, ...And also just as a novelty.”
She also added:
“How could I never make a film and not talk about my perspective?... Then we’re doomed. I am glad to be able to now add my voice and say what the hell I want to say.”
Amazon Prime Video is home to some of the most popular thrillers in modern times. It has streamed movies like Jennifer's Body, Black Book, and more. This March, the excitement is set to reach the next level with the release of Master.