Olivia Rodrigo recently revealed a poster and trailer for her upcoming film on her official Instagram account. The film, titled Olivia Rodrigo: driving home 2 u (a SOUR film), will air exclusively on Disney+ on March 25, 2022.
Her 2021 album, SOUR, went on a record-breaking streak, earning 7 Grammy nominations. The singer and songwriter will take the audience on a similar journey from Salt Lake City to Los Angeles, where she started composing her first album.
The film journeys through her experiences as a young lady, traversing certain moments in her life as she recalls the events of composing and producing her record-breaking debut album. Audiences will join her on a cinematic voyage following the tale of SOUR, which will include new live versions of her songs, personal interviews, and never-before-seen clips from the album's production.
Olivia Rodrigo: driving home 2 u, a new Disney+ documentary about Rodrigo's debut album Sour
Olivia Rodrigo: driving home 2 u (a SOUR film) follows the 18-year-old pop icon as she journeys from Salt Lake City to Los Angeles, where she began composing her record-breaking debut album SOUR. Through the documentary, Rodrigo recounts some of her favorite experiences from putting together her debut album.
A few weeks ago, Rodrigo shared a 30-second trailer in an Instagram post announcing the documentary's March 25 release date.
From her breakthrough role in High School Musical: The Musical: The Series to the making of her brand SOUR, the singer will drive around in a vintage sky blue Ford Bronco, stopping along the way to deliver elegantly crafted and reorganized performances of 11 tracks from the triple-platinum certified album.
A fast-paced, warped performance of her song Jealousy, Jealousy, which will be displayed underneath a freeway overpass and a symphonic performance of her most-popular track, Good 4 U, are among the highlights.
In an interview, Rodrigo told Variety of her desire to create a completely fresh idea for each song with the arrangement in order to keep her fans interested.
She said,
"I really wanted to make this film for my fans, and especially my fans who maybe couldn’t come to my tour this go around."
According to Variety, the film will also provide audiences with a behind-the-scenes glimpse at the album's recording process alongside producer and co-writer Dan Nigro. Simultaneously, fans will also get an insight into her emotional experience rising from a Disney musical sensation to a real-life, international pop icon.
Premiering exclusively on March 25 on Disney+, Olivia Rodrigo's driving home 2 u will be an emotional rollercoaster for all SOUR fans.
Audiences can expect a heart-warming journey along with rocking performances from their favorite singer.