BBC's award-winning gangster drama, Peaky Blinders, is ready to return for its most anticipated season so far. The show's sixth and final season was announced in unprecedented fashion this morning. A 42-feet high mural was painted over Digbeth’s Old Crown, confirming the premiere date as of February 27, 2022.
The much anticipated season of the show will also be its final one. The Shelby crime family will be back after a long time for more high-octane drama as the creators look to push new boundaries with the final season. However, fans would be happy to know that this will not be the last you see of Shelby(s). Talks of a feature film have been confirmed by show creator Steven Knight.
Read on for all the details about Peaky Blinders' upcoming season.
Tommy's ideas of business expansion will continue in Peaky Blinders season 6
The promo for the show was released some time back, but it did not mention a release date. The promo depicted the brutal and brilliant Thomas "Tommy" Shelby (Cillian Murphy) and his band of loyal associates in his arc to redeem himself. The ending of the previous season saw Tommy in a severe fix.
The concluding season of this period drama was always going to be special. It will continue Tommy's ideas of business expansion and even the newly formed labor party.
The trailer also confirms the recurring cast members Paul Anderson, Sam Neill, Tom Hardy, Adrien Brody, Anya Taylor-Joy, Sam Claflin, and Stephen Graham. One new cast member for the sixth season will be Conrad Khan. The show was last on-air back in 2019.
BBC's mega publicity stunt was sure to grab eyeballs, and it did. The large Tommy Shelby mural announcing the release date was pretty much the perfect tribute to the award-winning show. The sixth season, too, is written by Steven Knight. Anthony Byrne is also returning as director, having been involved in the previous five seasons.
Sadly, Helen McCrory, who portrayed Aunt Polly, is no more. So far, the creators have not explained her disappearance in the trailer or the press release. It is indeed a heavy loss for the series and the fans.
The show will air on BBC One in the UK and on Netflix for the rest of the world. It will also be available on iPlayer. Stay tuned for more updates.