Rescued by Ruby is Netflix's latest adaptation of the true story of an abandoned dog, an Australian Shepherd and Border Collie mix, and Dan O’Neil, a K9 search and rescue team aspirant.
Directed by Sundance Grand Jury prize nominee Katt Shea and featuring Karen Janszen as the script writer, the drama is an adaptation of two short stories based on real-life incidents. Squire Rushnell and Louise DuArt will be producing the movie.
The film hits Netflix globally on March 17, 2022.
What is Rescued by Ruby all about?
The Netflix original follows the story of Ruby, a pup who has been returned to the shelter, and a state trooper, Officer Dan, who is hoping to be reassigned to the K-9 Unit. It entails how the two intermingle into each other's lives, helping and redeeming one another.
Dan aspires to be assigned to the K-9 unit but unfortunately his overseeing officer doesn't believe that he is ready for the position. When Dan is told the force doesn't have funds for a new dog for the post, he takes things into his own hands and heads to a local shelter to adopt one. There he meets Ruby, a pup that has been returned seven times due to her rowdy and energetic nature.
Dan is now determined to take her with him and train her to be a family dog as well as a law enforcement partner. The film follows his adventures with Ruby and how the two impact one another.
Where to watch the upcoming movie?
Rescued by Ruby is coming to Netflix on March 17, 2022. The movie entered production in Vancouver, British Columbia on June 2, 2021 and was wrapped up by July 15, 2021.
To watch the movie, viewers must subscribe to any of the Netflix plans available. Only after signing up for a paid plan will viewers be able to watch the upcoming drama.
Watch the trailer for Rescued by Ruby, which was revealed on February 22, 2022. The film will be available for watching on Netflix on March 17, 2022.