NBC's new reality dating show The Courtship premiered on March 6, 2022 and gained instant popularity among viewers. The show has the lead, Nicole Remy, looking for love in an environment that is of Regency-era England, inspired by Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice.
The Courtship premiere introduced viewers to the 16 suitors dueling for Nicole Remy's heart. Not just the lead, but also her trusted court - her father Claude, her mother, Claire, her sister, Danie, and best friend, Tessa, who will help find her potential partner by the end of the show.
Nicole sent home three men in the premiere episode of The Courtship, namely Caleb Ward, Lewis Echavarria, and Jarrett Schanzer, after dancing with them in the traditional Regency style. In the second episode, she continues her journey to find love, where the suitors will get to spend some one-on-one time with her.
Details on the second episode of NBC's The Courtship
The second episode of The Courtship will air on NBC on Sunday, March 13, 2022. The teaser that was released yesterday shows the suitors indulging in a game of cricket along with the lead, Nicole Remy.
At the same time, there are surprises in store for the viewers. From the teaser, it looks like someone is "playing" Nicole. Her sister looked concerned when she heard about it and said,
"He said that?....This is my sister's life. We need to tell her."
It also looks like The Courtship star Nicole Remy has found out who is in for the wrong reasons and confronted the suitor. She said,
"I know what's going on..I know you're not in it for me."
In an exclusive clip by NBC, Remy forms a special connection with one of her suitors, Mr. Hunter. On a one-on-one date with him, she asks if he is ready to settle down in one place or still has the "travel bug," to which the suitor says,
"At some point, I got tired of constantly traveling, and I also realized that something was missing because I was doing all these things basically by myself, and I realized that all these experiences would be extraordinary if I just had someone there with me."
In a confessional, The Courtship lead Nicole says,
"Mr. Hunter, he's an attractive guy, like I'm definitely feeling the chemistry. So good job, mom and dad."
In an interview with PEOPLE Magazine, Remy opened up about her experiences filming the show and said,
"It was different because we don't normally get courted in everyday life. I'm not used to guys meeting my parents on a first date. I'm not used to going on a boat ride or a carriage ride for a date or doing archery. I'm used to going in a bar, grabbing a drink and going out after, you know what I mean?"
Viewers will have to tune on March 13 to catch the drama and the romance on the NBC show. It promises more connections being formed, with some suitors getting eliminated, and eventually bringing Nicole one step closer to finding the love of her life.