USA Network's reality dating show The Courtship, which premiered on March 6, 2022, has taken a liking among viewers because of its concept being completely different from the classic dating shows on television. The show has the lead, Nicole Remy, looking for love in a Regency-era England-based environment inspired by the Jane Austen novel, Pride and Prejudice.
The previous week, the network hosted two back-to-back episodes of The Courtship, consisting of a recap of episode 2 and a new episode 3. The latter episode was drama packed as the suitors along with the lead and her family indulged in a pure English game of cricket. This was a chance for the men to emotionally connect with Remy as well as showcase their chivalry.
While Mr Hunter won the lead's heart and spent some one-on-one time with her, Mr Saffa had other plans. He started flirting with Remy's best friend Tessa and ended up getting eliminated from the show with Mr Luxe and Mr King.
In episode 4, Remy continues her journey to find love in the traditional Regency style with the support of her trusted court: her father Claude, her mother Claire, her sister Danie and her best friend Tessa.
Details on The Courtship Season 1, Episode 4
Episode 3 of the show ended on a high note with a surprise that proved to be a shocker for the suitors as well as the lead. After narrowing down to nine eligible men for her, Remy wasn't ready for what was to come ahead. Two new suitors joined the show to fight for her heart, which meant that the suitors had two more men to compete with.
After the week's elimination, host Rick Edwards said:
"Miss Remy has made her decisions, hard as they were. Nine suitors remain…but not for long."
As a sense of worry fell upon the suitors and the lead barely managed to stand, two more suitors, Jesse Judge and Tim Hatem, made their way through the door to the ballroom.
Episode 4 of The Courtship has the suitors ready for another engaging day at the castle. The two new suitors, as the narrator said, "are shaking things up." The preview shows one of them seemingly excelling in an activity and going for a kiss with the lead, eventually upsetting the other suitors. Mr. Kim, looking at the situation, says:
"What happened to class? What happened to gentlemen? This is ****"
As the suitors engage in sword fight training, the narrator proceeds to say:
"Some suitors strike while the iron is hot, one man gets burned."
As the narration continues, the preview shows new suitors disrupting the lead's one-on-one time with the other men. Mr. Bochicchio is the man that "gets burned" and talks to Remy's parents about coming on the show to find a connection with somebody. But they question whether he is here to make a connection or fall in love.
In a confessional, Mr. Bochicchio says:
"I'm all about competition, but these guys are gross."
The Courtship preview ends with Remy asking Mr. Bochicchio if he's upset, proceeding which she is shown getting emotional and saying:
"I don't know if I can keep doing this. I'm sorry."
The Courtship is bringing more drama than viewers expected. The turn of events on the show has been interesting and fans will have to tune in to the next episode to see how the new suitors engage with Remy as well as blend in with other men. Emotions are on a high in this next episode of the show, and it will be interesting to see who are the next set of suitors in line to be eliminated.