The Wonder Years, a reboot of the very popular show from 1980s (with the same title) has been one of the best comedy shows from ABC in recent times. The coming of age story follows the same plot line as the original starring Fred Savage, but in a different setting; this time in Montgomery, Alabama.
The show follows the adventures of twelve-year-old Dean Williams (Elisha WIlliams) as he makes his way through late childhood as narrated by his older self (played by Don Cheadle). It follows the day-to-day hustle, struggles and the curiosity of the wide-eyed boy.
The series has garnered ample recognition since it was released in September 2021.
When is the next episode 'The Wonder Years' expected to release?
The estimated release date for the next episode for The Wonder Years is January or February 2022.
The show has so far aired nine episodes of its inaugural season before going on a break. Like its chief inspiration and original series by the same name, this too might be here for the long haul. The original series aired for six seasons and had 115 episodes.
However, no confirmation of season 2 has made its way out of the network's office as of now, although it has been confirmed that the show has not been canceled. So it is safe to assume that news of a second season may be on its way.
The official synopsis of the show reads: "The coming-of-age story of a 12-year-old black boy in Montgomery, Ala., in the late 1960s, as told by his adult self."
However, the good news is that The Wonder Years has been given the green light for a complete season, which means as many as 10 to 12 more episodes should be on their way post the winter break.
The second season should follow sometime in the fall of 2022 if ABC renews it on time.
The Wonder Years has so far aired on the ABC channel. Presently, since there are no new episodes, the show is streaming on Hulu's streaming platform and ABC's own official streaming site. In some countries, it is available in Disney plus as well.
Check out the trailer offering a glimpse at young Dean WIlliams
The trailer shows the typical late childhood/early teenage phase of the protagonist as his day-to-day shenanigans unfold. It also shows the comic angle the TV series frequents in order to bring in a light-hearted shade on this story of nostalgia.
Details of the upcoming episodes of The Wonder Years will be shared as soon as the channel releases them. Stay tuned for updates.