Young Rock is a quirky show based on the life of Dwayne Johnson aka "The Rock'' which highlights his elementary, his teenage and his future years where he is planning to run for the position of president.
The makers are doing a special Christmas holiday episode, titled, Young Rock: A Christmas Peril. The episode is inspired by the movie A Christmas Carol, and fans will see the younger, as well as the future Dwayne, struggling to turn a disastrous Christmas into something special.
According to Deadline, the logline reads:
“Christmas Eve, 1982: An unexpected guest shows Dewey that this is the first in a long line of terrible Christmases. In 1987, Rocky [Johnson] and Dwayne take jobs as a mall Santa and elf.”
The new episode will air on December 15, 2021.
Young Rock: A sitcom that features four time periods simultaneously
The show is a tribute to Dwayne Johnson's life and the values that his parents taught him throughout his early years. Nahnatchka Khan, the showrunner of the series Young Rock, was really impressed with Dwayne's journey and thought it would be inspiring and funny to make a show out of his life.
The story is set in four time periods that run parallel to each other and show the true journey of Johnson's life. The first one talks about when he was a ten-year-old kid, then as a high-school teenager, and then as a college-student and a football player, and, finally, the futuristic Dwayne who is running as a candidate for the 2032 U.S presidential election.
Dwayne Johnson did share his feelings about running for president one day in a Vanity Fair interview.
"I care about every f****** American who bleeds red and that's all of them. There's delusion here—I may have some leadership qualities but that doesn't necessarily make me a great presidential candidate. That's where I am today."
Young Rock not only deals with Dwayne's colorful life but also talks about his highs and lows as well as the challenges, which makes the show more vibrant and exciting to watch.
The second season of Young Rock will premiere on March 15, 2022.