Anatomy of a Fall is a thriller drama movie that revolves around the complex marriage of Sandra and Samuel. The couple lives in a secluded chalet in the French Alps with their eleven-year-old blind son, Daniel. The plot thickens when Samuel is found dead below their chalet, leading to speculation about whether his death was a murder or suicide.
Furthermore, the film delves into an intense investigation as authorities suspect foul play with all suspicions directed at Sandra, Samuel's wife. This investigation uncovers the tumultuous relationship between the couple and the secrets they harbored. The courtroom drama that unfolds discloses the circumstances leading to Samuel's death.
Additionally, the mood of the movie was heightened by its diverse setting. Notably, the movie is set in several regions and cities in France. These diverse locations across France provided a realistic and captivating backdrop for enhancing the film's dramatic and suspenseful elements.
Where was Anatomy of a Fall filmed?
The different settings of France in Anatomy of a Fall symbolize different aspects of the story. Moreover, the contrast between the settings underscores the film's exploration of private versus public personas and the influance of the environment on human behavior and relationships.
See below for a list of all the filming locations of the movie:
1) Savoie, France
A significant portion of the film was shot in the French department of Savoie, located in the French Alps. The mountain house where Sandra and Samuel lived, including the scene of Samuel's fall from the attic, was primarily filmed at the Fjällstuga chalet in Les Crevasses, Villarembert.
This location provided both exterior and interior shots related to the couple's property. The province of Maurienne in Savoie also served as a filming site. The mountainous landscape also adds to the film's aesthetic, creating a stark contrast between the beauty of nature and the complex human emotions at play.
2) Isère, France
In Isère, key scenes of Anatomy of a Fall were captured, particularly in the city of Grenoble. Notable scenes include the lawyers at a café terrace, filmed at a local café in Grenoble. In addition, there were various sequences in the commune of Montbonnot-Saint-Martin. Remarkably, the scenes shot in Isère provide a change of scenery that contrasts with the chalet's isolation.
3) Charente-Maritime, France
The compelling courtroom scenes in the latter half of Anatomy of a Fall were shot on location in and around the Courthouse of Saintes at Square du Maréchal Foch in Saintes. Both the exteriors and interiors of the courthouse were used to film pivotal sequences. It is worth noting that the grandeur and formality of the courthouse added a sense of gravity to the proceedings.
4) Paris, France
Anatomy of a Fall is also filmed in the city of Paris. The locations included the iconic Eiffel Tower and landmarks like Arc de Triomphe, Notre-Dame de Paris, the Basilica of Sacré Coeur de Montmartre, and the Palais Garnier. These locations provided a realistic background for various sequences in the film.
Additionally, the urban setting offers a stark contrast to the secluded chalet as it symbolizes the world's intrusion into the couple's private life.
All in all, the diverse French settings of Anatomy of a Fall not only enhance its dramatic appeal but also symbolize motifs of isolation versus public scrutiny and beauty versus human turmoil.