The popular HBO dark comedy, Barry, returned with a new season on April 16, 2023. Created by Alec Berg and Bill Hader, this could be considered the finest effort by the brilliant actor, who has conquered almost all forms of comedy, including his stint in the popular Saturday Night Live! (SNL!).
The fourth and final season of this HBO show follows a hitman who plans to be an actor after he is drawn to the art form.
The series has enjoyed immense popularity since its premiere back in March 2018. The first season followed the hitman as he came from Midwest Americana to Los Angeles in pursuit of his dream.
But things did not go as planned, leaving a lot on fate and cruel twists. The previous season ended with Barry (Bill Hader) being set up and ultimately sent to prison after Henry Winkler's Gene Cousineau turned on him.
Apart from the brilliantly paced plot, which explores various sides of human nature, this series is also quite eye-catching because of its visual splendor. Expertly done from every angle, Barry is always incredible to watch. This is because the filming locations of the series play a crucial part in its construction and story.
Barry filming locations: Los Angeles County, San Bernardino County, and more
While Barry is not a show that traverses across incredibly difficult regions, its urban landscape is one of the key parts of the story. The most prominent location, which serves as the hotbed for all the drama, is Los Angeles County, California.
As mentioned in the story itself, the series takes place across Los Angeles, following the titular character in his exploits for three seasons. According to sources, this area was used both for its extravagant studios and beautiful streets. Multiple sources have reported that Paramount Studios, one of the most popular and well-regarded studios of all time, was used as a major location for the first two seasons of the show. The studio is located at 5515 Melrose Avenue.
In season 3 and the ongoing 4th one, the show shifted to Sony Pictures Studios, according to sources. The studio is located at 10202 West Washington Boulevard in the Culver City area.
The series also used the very recognizable Steve Allen Theater, the site of Gene’s theater den in the show. The third season also reportedly used locations in the city of Torrance and the Los Angeles metropolitan area in LA County.
Apart from these locations, Barry has also used several prominent LA locations like Residuals Tavern, Footsies, the Century Plaza Towers at 2029 Century Park East, South Cochran Avenue, Rowena, and Dockweiler Beach, among many others.
Another major filming location for the show was Blue Cloud Movie Ranch, a very popular movie production facility in LA that was also used in several blockbusters like Iron Man.
Finally, San Bernardino County, California, is another location that was quite prominent in the third season's final episode. Deviating slightly from its usual locations, the finale of Barry season 3 took place at Cedar Lake Camp at 1100 Mill Creek Road, which served as Gene’s cottage in the plot.
Barry season 4 premiered with two episodes on April 16, 2023. The episodes are available for streaming on HBO Max.