Derek and Jess, participants of the adventure-romance show Love in the Wild, captivated audiences with their dynamic partnership and competitive skills. Their journey on the show, marked by both challenges and triumphs, left viewers intrigued about their potential future together.
Derek, known for his strategic gameplay and resilience, has since retreated from the public gaze, choosing a life away from the spotlight. Jess, conversely, has taken a different trajectory, leveraging her Love in the Wild fame into a successful career in the corporate sector and a fulfilling personal life.
Post-show lives of Derek and Jess from Love in the Wild
After the cameras stopped rolling and the excitement of Love in the Wild faded, Derek and Jess started on separate paths. Derek, known for his competitive nature on the show, has since stepped away from the public eye. Information about his current life remains scarce, as he has opted for a life away from the media spotlight.
Jess, on the other hand, has charted a different course. From her days on the show, she has transitioned into a successful career woman.
In her personal life, Jess's journey has been equally fulfilling. She married Eric Berman in 2016, and together they have started a family with two children. Jess frequently shares glimpses of her family life on social media, providing a window into her world post-show.
Jess DeBolt, now Jess DeBolt Berman, has made significant strides in the corporate world. Her professional journey includes roles at renowned companies such as Spotify, where she serves as a Senior Client Partner, and previous positions at Twitter, Travelzoo, and Apple.
The couple's journey on Love in the Wild was a blend of competitive success and personal connection. Initially not paired together, their bond formed when they teamed up during the third swap and elimination round. Their compatibility shone through as they won two adventure challenges, signaling a strong partnership. However, this journey was not without its challenges.
A major turning point came with a mandatory switch, forcing Derek to partner with Erica for a challenge. During this task, Derek suffered a toe injury, which, despite medical intervention, led to his inability to continue in the competition. His return to the swap and elimination round was solely to express his regret to Jess and to acknowledge their partnership. This incident marked the end of their journey on the show, as Jess was also eliminated.
Post-show, there was speculation about the potential continuation of their relationship. In an exit interview, Derek expressed openness to exploring a relationship with Jess, stating,
"I came back for Jess…I absolutely would like to see something come out of it…I’m not closed off to the possibility of love, so could this be a long-term relationship? Absolutely, and I mean that."
However, despite these sentiments and shared geographical proximity in California, they did not resume their relationship outside the show.
Final thoughts
The story of Derek and Jess from Love in the Wild reflects the transient nature of relationships formed on reality shows. While some connections might blossom into lasting relationships, others remain confined to the context of the show. The divergent paths of Derek and Jess post-show highlight the varied outcomes for the show’s contestants.
Viewers now can also relive the journey of Derek and Jess as Love in the Wild season 1 joined Netflix's streaming catalog.