Star Wars: The Bad Batch is a Disney+ animated series developed by Dave Filoni. Star Wars: The Clone Wars is both a sequel and a spin-off. The Bad Batch follows Clone Force 99's elite and experimental soldiers as they navigate a radically changing galaxy in the aftermath of the Clone Wars. The show will see them undertake risky missions after deciding to join an autonomous group of mercenaries.
What is Star Wars: The Bad Batch about?
Star Wars: Bad Batch follows the adventures of Clone Force 99, a unique team of elite clone troopers with genetic mutations that grant them special powers. The team is led by the cunning and daring Hunter, and includes the inventive Tech, the brutish Wrecker, the devoted Crosshair, and the fast-thinking Echo. Together, they will face their most dangerous mission yet, as they take on a mission to hunt down Imperial enemies and protect the fledgling Republic.
Along the way, they’ll encounter new enemies, make unlikely allies, and uncover secrets that could change the fate of the galaxy forever.
Where does The Bad Batch fit in the Star Wars timeline?
The Bad Batch is a 2020 animated series set in the Star Wars galaxy, and it is placed in the timeline between the events of Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope. Because it begins with Order 66, it takes place at the end of the Clone Wars and just after Revenge of the Sith.
After the fall of the Galactic Republic and the rise of the Empire, the Bad Batch was born. This special squad of Clone Troopers, each with a unique physical mutation, was created to carry out dangerous missions in the service of their former Republic commanders. The Bad Batch, led by the clone leader Cody and his commander Rex, eventually joined the Rebel Alliance. With the help of Rex, they helped the Alliance in their fight against the Empire, and eventually joined the Battle of Endor.
What was Order 66 and why did The Bad Batch survive?
Order 66 is one of the commands that these mutant clone troopers were expected to follow without question. It declared all Jedi Order members traitors to the republic and commanded their immediate execution.
Order 66 is triggered at the beginning of The Bad Batch and while nearly every clone follows the order, The Bad Batch troop disobeyed Order 66. When they were embryos, all of the clones were given a brain implant that warned them that if Order 66 was triggered, it would erase their free will and force them to slaughter Jedi viciously for the benefit of the Galactic Empire.
However, the Clone Force 99 members were able to keep their free will longer than the other clones because of the modifications and improvements made to them. They later managed to use several ways to keep their free will intact.